Here and Now

Interesting the way things seem to change, I thought. Or do they really change all that much? You see what you look for, so I began looking comparatively at here and now versus then.

Do you ever catch yourself thinking about the good old days? A time when things were simpler and less busy?

We recently watched a movie and the girl in it was fascinated with the Regency period. My tastes don’t run back quite that far, but I do find the 1940s and 50s to be quite inviting. To read stories and look at pictures, I can’t help but think that things were different then. I even like most of the styles (which is of significant importance to a clothing boutique owner – style matters!).

But as I was driving to work the other day by myself (which rarely happens now that my sister and I ride in to work at our boutique together!), I found myself once again talking to God. I was pondering what to write for the blog, asking what He would have me share.

I couldn’t help but think about the post I had shared previously about the World War II couple. Such a sweet story and similar to so many I’ve read and heard about.

Interesting the way things seem to change, I thought. Or do they really change all that much? You see what you look for, so I began looking comparatively at here and now versus then.

Manners and upbringing seemed quite important then, and if I stop and think about it there are people today that still find them quite important today. Love stories back then were so sweet, so seemingly certain. And yet, I have heard some pretty comparatively sweet stories in the here and now.

Letters being written is one of my favorite things from years ago. And yet we still have that. Thank you notes, thinking of you notes, birthday cards, etc. We can even send emails – digital letters – that are received almost instantly! And that doesn’t even taken into account texting and phone calls!

And yet, somehow, I have formed the opinion ever so slightly that texts just aren’t as special as a note. They aren’t as thoughtful and don’t compare to “back then”. Back when communication was more thoughtful and personal. But the truth of the matter is that these modern forms of communication have potential to be just as thoughtful and just as appreciated.

Wow, that thought surprised me. I had lacked appreciation for the age I lived in due to romanticizing the past. The past had it’s own faults, it’s own troubled stories and it’s own lack of appreciating it’s time.

So with this new outlook I am moving forward in appreciation! Appreciation for the here and now! Yes, I do still admire and enjoy learning about the good old days, but nothing compares to where God has placed us. He chooses our time, place and opportunities very deliberately. Embrace them and make the most of them!

Until Next Time!


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