Write a Note

That's how I think about notes. A bit of cheer in an envelope! Someone was thinking about you and took time to write a note just for you!

Perhaps it’s due to my own personal need to write a note (let’s be honest, several notes), but note writing has been on my mind recently. I love the thought and love that goes into notes! And on top of that it means so much to me to receive them!

But what if you really don’t know what to write? You like the idea and all but you lack something that you deem note worthy? Not to worry, we’ll go over creative ideas to help you start writing the newsiest notes of them all!

A bit of cheer

That’s how I think about notes. A bit of cheer in an envelope! Someone was thinking about you and took time to put words on paper just for you!

Doesn’t that thought just inspire you?! What could you share with another that would encourage them or make them smile?

A little while back I used to write letters to our deployed Soldiers. I did this not because I was overflowing with words and news, because to be honest I’ve never felt like that, but rather because I wanted to send them a bit of cheer, a bit of home.

Sometimes the simplest stories can truly bring the greatest delight! Having children in your life opens up a whole new level of stories to share. Maybe you just babysit from time to time or perhaps you have young siblings. Pay special attention to them and consider sharing their adorable escapades in your notes. Those stories are sure to bring some cheer!

A bit of encouragement

I’ve been receiving notes as long ago as I can remember. Important notes regarding what my favorite school subject or color was. I also remember the urgency of responding promptly.

As time went on and I entered high school I remember realizing what encouragement these notes could hold. I’m sure this realization came from receiving such notes! The end of high school held some particularly trying times (spinal surgery, anyone?) and I received many notes of encouragement around this, for which I am most grateful!

And that’s what I want to do for others – be that note of encouragement! That’s what I want this blog to be for those who come across it! And then I want you all to take this encouragement and pass it along generously to others!

Newsy information

Who doesn’t love a deliciously informative letter?! Now (I hope obviously at this point) I don’t mean a letter of hot gossip, but rather an update on life events!

How is school going? What are your plans for work? Have you pursued your small business ideas? These and other topics can make excellent details to include in a note.

Newsy letters are so enjoyable to receive – it gives you a chance to update those who are important in your life on exciting and everyday events! And they are fun to send as it gives you the opportunity to think about and put into words just what you have been accomplishing!

Now let ask, who do you plan on writing?!

Until Next Time!


PS. What you write in a note card is only half the fun – choosing a pretty card is the other half! Be sure to read this post for more inspiration: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2016/09/16/finding-lovely-note-cards/

2 Replies to “Write a Note”

  1. Such thoughts encourage me and the idea of a pretty conveyance for them, even more so! Once again, you’ve broadened my idea base to not just be thankful or wish one improved health or condolence, but a bit creative and entertaining as well! Thank you!

    1. To me, you are the queen of notes! I love to get them from you – so thoughtful and sweet! ♥

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