Thoughts on Being Single

Being single can either be your greatest tragedy or your greatest opportunity. Make the most of it - this season isn't forever.

Being single, an interesting topic that we really haven’t covered much. Some might find it discouraging, while others might not mind it. Some blogs are centered around being single, offering hope and encouragement to girls and women. And while yes, I want to offer you hope and encouragement, I also want to reassure you that being single isn’t the worst thing in the world. It doesn’t mean that you will never get married. It is simply a season, like every other time in life – a season that we can all learn to navigate well!

Singles can be made up of many different stories. Perhaps you have never been in a relationship or perhaps you have recently broken off a relationship. Being single can be lonely, but it can be filled with opportunities. Opportunity to grow as an individual, to help others, to pursue roles that you could not fill if married or a mother.

I once read a quote along the lines of “if you want to attract a remarkable man, be an exceptional woman“.

More priceless than rubies comes to mind. A real man – a strong, courageous gentleman – isn’t going to be looking for a sullen, depressed single girl. But the cheerful, enthusiastic, friendly, girl-next-door – he won’t be able to help but notice her!

And truly, whether you attract a man with that attitude or not, that’s not the point. You want to be that type of girl/woman for those around you! And I am certain, someday, the right man will take notice of it. So if men aren’t noticing you, no worries – they are obviously not the right man!

I recently had a lady express her fear that she would never get marry.

I understand that fear, but here is a fact: as long as you are still breathing, your chance of marriage is not gone. Even if life hasn’t gone the way you thought, even if God hasn’t brought the right man into your life on your timetable. I hear and read stories of men and women meeting their perfect match late in life – and I love that! Now I’ll be honest and say that I think the sweetest stories are those of “high school sweethearts” and the such, just because they have had the opportunity to spend so much of their lives together. But that certainly does not discount those who have found love later in life! Honestly, I am past the high-school-sweetheart age, so I am delighted to know of the later-in-life stage!

Being an older single gives you an excellent opportunity to mature! To realize the petty things in life are simply petty and don’t need to be given a high priority. You learn what love is and what it means to truly love and help others. Being single isn’t drudgery or punishment. It is simply a season.

But what if there is no one to marry? (No one outside of desperation, that is.)

Does that mean you will never marry? I’ve had ladies voice this concern. Maybe they aren’t meant for marriage. They need to move on. To me, this is a sad picture. Not because being single is criminal or punishment, but because it tells me they have lost hope. So if this is you or a friend of yours, let me give you new hope!

The story of the world is marriage! Men and women have been marrying since the beginning of time! Think Adam and Eve, Noah and his wife, David and Abigail, etc, etc, etc! (I might even go so far as to say some liked marriage so much, they had more than one wife! But that would be a joke!)

Now I have no way of knowing whether or not you or I will ever marry.

I can’t divine the date of our future weddings or the day we’ll first meet our future spouses, but I can remind you of faith. Faith is a belief. It isn’t based on what you can see, but what you hope for and believe. To lose hope and expectation for a husband in your future is to lack faith. To only allow a glimmer of hope back in your heart once you meet a man who might be the one, isn’t faith. Faith is only faith when you couple it with hope and joyful expectation!

I pray that wherever you are in your life, whether you are recently single or single your whole life that you will feel a renewed hope for your future! Be a woman worth waiting for. All the good ones aren’t gone. And to borrow a quote, it only takes the one right man!

Until Next Time!


PS. Relationships are really important to constantly build up and enjoy! You might enjoy this post next:

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