What a Difference a Day can Make

What a Difference

What a difference a day can make! Opportunities are in front of us, conversations waiting to be had. If only we realized our God-given potential, we would never again underestimate the value of a day!

A friend reminded me of that this morning. In other words, but along the lines of “get up and get moving, so much potential is out there waiting for you!”. And I loved this reminder!

Some days can seem very much like any other day. But when we press ahead with energy and an adventurous spirit, there is no telling where the day may take us!

Adventure Awaits

Can we really live each day as if an adventure is just waiting to happen? Sounds exciting, but rather unrealistic on the surface, doesn’t it?

But what if you could choose that, would you? Or would you choose predictable and quiet. Stick with the status quo? Life is truly what you make it – make it exciting!

I can’t help but think as Christians we should live each day fully. Enthusiastically, energetically, and yes, adventurously! Anyone can drift through life. But few people get things done and enjoy themselves fully! Not that every day has to be all work, but it is so important to give what you do your all!

Choose Your Own Adventure

Would you believe that, within reason, you can choose your own adventure in life? Realizing this is just incredible!

I remember when I initially realized how true this was, it amazed me! Yes, there were parameters that I wanted to stay within, but just realizing the potential in front of me was astounding! It is huge to realize that you are often the largest roadblock in your own way.

So now I want to ask you, if you could do anything, what would you do? What fills you with energy and excitement? How would you fill your time given the opportunity? Think about it. Pray about it! God doesn’t create plain, old people, He fills them with dreams and aspirations, but it is up to us to search them out!

How can you be sure you pick the right thing? This is your one shot at life and you don’t want to get it wrong, you might worry. But let me encourage you with a few thoughts here:

  • Prayer: One reason that I suggest prayer is to help steer your decision. God is so good to guide us through His Word and through opportunities or closed doors. Pray for discernment and direction.
  • Seasons: Life is made up of seasons. Just as surely as the weather changes, so will our interests and responsibilities. Navigating seasons well requires flexibility and a heart truly focused on what God has for us!
  • Concrete: Just a friendly reminder that nothing is cast in concrete. Stay your course until it is time to shift your sails, so to speak. If something isn’t quite right, change it! It’s as simple as that!

And another important thing that is so good to remember is that we don’t have to worry about ‘messing up’ God’s plan for our lives. We just aren’t that powerful! God has gone before us and made a way. Nothing surprises Him! Yes, we need to give Him our best and seek His guidance, but we literally cannot mess up what He has planned for us!

His plans are perfect – He just needs us to show up and fill our roles remarkably well!

So next time you have a case of the Mondays or feel that it is just another day, pause and remember what a difference a day can make!

Until Next Time!


PS. Find more encouragement here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/category/encouragement/

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