Courageous Faithfulness

Courageous Faithfulness

Courageous faithfulness – don’t those words paint a beautiful picture?! I put them together in church today and silently committed to practicing them and living them.

You see, we were talking about Christ and some of the people He healed. We talked about the faith of the men who lowered the crippled man through the roof so that Christ might heal him. And also of the woman who had been bleeding for so long who reached out and touched Him and was instantly healed.

These people had faith that Christ was able and the courage to act on that faith. What an incredible combination!

Courageous Faithfulness

These words really stood out to me. In what ways could I better practice being faithful? Where do I lack courage?

What promises or even glimpses of promises has God shown me and how might I show up better in them? The Bible tells me that He will always provide me with food, clothing, and shelter. These items to me are definite. Generous gifts for sure, but blessings that God provides His people.

But what about those hints of things, those areas that might be harder for us to claim? He promises to bless our comings and our goings, to make a way through the wilderness. I especially love the verse that reminds us that eye has not seen, no ear heard, no mind has imagined all that God has prepared for those who love Him. What an amazing promise!

Sometimes I just ponder these things, asking God to guide me so that I might step into them more remarkably for His glory! I want so much to want what He has for me!

Our Comings and Our Goings

Do you know that God cares about even the tiniest things? Your run into the grocery store, dropping items off at a local shelter, your interactions with customers – every single thing.

I love to talk with God. Sometimes I joke that He might get tired of hearing from me. (I really don’t think He ever gets tired of hearing from His children, but it does add a little comedy to the scenario!) To me, talking with God is my idea of praying without ceasing. I bring everything before Him.

As I head into the grocery store, I thank Him for guiding me to the groceries I need. As my sister goes to look for tools for a project, I ask that He guides her search. When I’m ordering product for our shop, I ask that He helps us order what our customers want. And do you know, even when products get canceled (which happens a lot lately) I thank Him for weeding through our orders for us!

The other night I worked late just tidying up and finishing projects. It was supposed to be my short day, but due to the amount of work, it was another full day. I finally got home and was ready to just call it an evening when I checked my phone. A customer had texted mentioning that I had left the candle in the shop burning. I was so grateful to this customer for letting me know and for God having caused her to see it! He truly cares about our comings and our goings!

A Way Through the Wilderness

Things can be hard. Some are just a bit difficult while others are intensely hard. But God always makes a way through the wilderness. In other words, just as He brought the children of Israel through the wilderness to the promised land, He can bring us through difficulties to a beautiful realization of a dream!

We have a sign at the shop that reads “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”. And I thoroughly believe that. Looking back in life, I see that some of the hardest times have led me to some of my greatest victories! It is astounding how that works!

So in these difficulties and struggles I pray that God would help me to want what He has for me. In addition to that, I tell Him the desires of my heart, but I ask that He change my heart however He sees necessary because I want to sincerely desire His will. I love to ask Him to make His plans my dreams because I can truly not imagine anything better than dreaming of His plans for me!

As Scripture reminds us, ‘”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”‘

He plans things to give us hope and a future! If that doesn’t inspire courageous faithfulness, I don’t what it will take!

No Mind Has Imagined

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, no mind has imagined all that God has prepared for those who love Him.

We’ve never seen, heard or even imagined all that God has prepared for us. Isn’t that incredible?! He has amazing things ahead for us! Ooh that we may give Him our best and step into these things with courageous faithfulness!

Until Next Time!


PS: This is one of my favorites:

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