Remember Why You Started

Remember Why You Started

When things get tough, remember why you started.

Isn’t that such a great reminder?! I think it is so good to bear in mind even as we go about our daily lives. It can really help you gauge how important something is to you or how committed you are to a project or idea.

Nothing tests you like a struggle or difficulty. We can go along easy breezy and then be hit with a road block of sorts and discover a multitude of things about ourselves. How important this idea was, how committed we are to it, how determined we are to see it through, etc.

Road Blocks

But I’ve learned that road blocks – struggles – are typically good things. They mean progress is being made. And I know I’ve said it a number of times, but good things take a lot of work – and all that work, the time, the effort, the prayers will make the victory that much sweeter!

Be sure to keep this in mind when you are considering projects. There will be road blocks and hang ups. Are you serious enough about this project to see it through? Are you in it to win it? Don’t go about things in a half-hearted manner.

God didn’t give us a spirit of fear and timidity. He didn’t create us to be passive. True we may grow weary and have a hard day, but if we will look to Him, He will renew our strength so that we can press on and accomplish the task set before us!

Choose Your Hard

There is no promise that life will be easy. I once read an interesting take on this:

Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.

Obesity is hard. Staying fit is hard. Choose your hard.

Being in debt is hard. Being financially responsible is hard. Choose your hard.

Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard.

Life will never be easy, but you can choose your hard. Choose wisely.

Personally I’d rather choose the pain of discipline than the pain of consequences. Every. Single. Time.

Bring Your Best

What do you think pleases God more? When we drift along and suffer the consequences to our random decisions? Or maybe when we press on to be our best for Him? I can’t help but think that when we conscientiously choose to live well disciplined lives that that reflects Him well.

And do you know, when we courageously step into difficult things, I believe this takes us so much further than if we had tried to dodge it or take the easy way. I think bravely stepping up grows our faith and our confidence in God. And that in turn reveals to us more than we can think or imagine!

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! – Malachi 3:10

What if the tithes mentioned above are our efforts, our goals, our heart. And we brought our everything before God. Take my dreams, move my heart toward what you have for me, make Your plans my dreams. Can you even imagine where He might lead and direct? Where He might bless you and take you to levels of which you have never dreamed? God is a limitless God! We are so very limited as humans. But when we can sincerely lay our all before Him and vulnerably look to Him for our direction and strength, He will take us beyond our grandest dreams and expectations!

This may not look as dramatic as stated above in real life when practiced. Perhaps you continue to go about your day and your duties, the things you know to do now, while you ask Him what He would have you do. Let this prayer and seeking Him inspire you to do what you do now to the best of your ability, remain faithful in the little things while He makes His will known to you. So often I think it’s not that someone needs a dramatic change of circumstances but rather a change of heart towards what they are called to do.

Remember Why You Started

I pray that this has encouraged you where you are today and that it has inspired you as you press on to set goals and consider God’s call for your life!

The take away is to be faithful and not easily discouraged when things get difficult. To choose to be disciplined in order to be your best for God. And to be fully committed to the work God has for you to do. There is nothing more fulfilling than living your life for Him!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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