Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart blog

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. – Proverbs 4:23

Your heart determines the course of your life. Can you even fathom the importance of guarding it well? You should carefully evaluate all that you do, who you spend your time with, what you read and watch.

It is said that what’s on the inside finds its way out. If you want to know what’s inside, pay attention to your thoughts and listen to what you say.

Trash In / Trash Out

I read a great analogy several years ago highlighting the importance of what you consume – physically or psychologically. If you take garbage in physically in the form of eating unhealthy foods, or even just foods that you personally have an allergy to, you will feel unwell. Trash in, trash out.

In the same way, if you spend your time reading and watching subpar material, you won’t feel fulfilled or like you are acing the game. And the further you allow the quality of your material to slide, the worse you will feel.

Personally I became aware of this several years ago. I believe it was before I read this analogy. I used to enjoy keeping up with current movies and the stars that played in them. Every few days I’d look at what was going on in the world of Hollywood. These articles and stories typically led to another, and another, and another. It was time consuming. And to be honest, rarely were the articles positive or motivational. I was careful what I read, I didn’t want to read about affairs or anything along those lines, but still the content was subpar (if that).

One day I realized what a drain that was and I determined to put my time and mind to better use. Do you know, I don’t miss learning about the stars at all? I used to be so informed as to which star was doing well and which one was on their way out … and now I don’t really know who the stars are!

Subpar Content

I’ve never really gotten the gist of TikTok or SnapChat. I’ve never had accounts, though I am aware they exist. (and I’m not trying to come across as holier-than-thou, I have facebook and instagram) Recently someone put into words what subconsciously bothered me about TikTok and the like.

In essence, she said that you can’t consume subpar content and expect to live a remarkable life. Subpar content will not improve the quality of your life and decisions! Yes, Thank You, and Exactly!

Side note: I don’t pretend instagram and facebook are better than other social media channels, rather I use them to get in front of customers to share products and tell them about sales. I try to use it as a tool rather than a toy. Could I use TikTok in the same way? Probably, I’m just about burned out on social media and don’t care to pursue another new account.

Evaluate how you spend your time. Level up, as they say. Why be subpar or average when you can aim higher?! As Christians we are called to be our very best for God! Let the world participate in all the TikTok challenges, you have bigger fish to fry!

Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart, hold fast to God and His ways, listen for His direction, seek Him in all you do. Our ultimate goal should be to serve Him to the best of our ability! As you pursue a relationship with Him – which should be a lifelong effort – pray to have understanding as to where He leads. He leads different people different directions, but never in conflict with His Word.

Together we make up the body of Christ. We can’t all be hands and we can’t all be feet, we will have strengths that others don’t have, but we’ll also have weaknesses others don’t have. Always remember, you are perfectly equipped for where God has you.

Hold fast to what God places on your heart. He wants to be the most important thing in the world to you. Devote yourself wholly to following Him!

In some cases this may mean giving up friendships or not being part of the clique. Your friends and those you surround yourself with should encourage you to be your best for God. They should challenge you – and you them – to be true to what He requires of you! If they don’t, then always choose God first. Not because it is easy, but because it is the right thing to do.

In due time, He will bring the right relationships in to your life and they will be so much better than those you gave up. Interestingly though, we usually have to give things up for Him before He replaces them with something better. But that is where we exercise faith and guarding our hearts. We guard it in order to not hold worldly things higher than Him.

Be Strong and Courageous

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and as if God asks a lot of me. But He knows all things! He knows my limits and as long as I keep Him first He will guide my way and give me grace through the unknowns.

I believe this is the same for you. If you will keep God first, He will give you abundant grace to accomplish what He requires of you! But here is the key – you have to have the strength and the courage to accept that grace. Don’t allow yourself to be beaten too low and deem yourself not worthy – you are a child of the most high God!

I pray this has encouraged you and fueled you for the days ahead! I don’t pretend to understand why some things are the way they are, but I am certain that God has a plan and He is working it together for the good of His people!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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