High School Fashion Show

High School Fashion Show

One of the perks of owning a boutique is getting to participate in fashion shows and events. So far this year we have participated in two fashion shows – one as part of a fundraiser for the local arts council and the other was a high school fashion show.

It sounds rather glamorous, doesn’t it, to participate in a fashion show? The lights and music – not to mention the clothing!

Where It all Begins

I really couldn’t tell you how many fashion shows we have participated in. Typically my sister is either part of the lineup itself or else she is helping me run it from the back end. The high school fashion show this year was our first exception. She ran the shop while I handled the fashion show.

Part of the fun of the fashion shows is doing it together. When you work with someone you have a lovely opportunity to laugh, bounce ideas off each other, and strategize how to handle things.

As dreamy as it sounds to be part of a fashion show, it is just like any other thing in life in that there are challenges to work around and problems to solve. For instance, and it may seem like a no-brainer to you, but this year I discovered that I don’t want to let models wear our shoes anymore. Yes, it is a great advertising opportunity but it marks up the bottoms of the shoes badly. This really isn’t surprising, but I hadn’t considered it when we set out to provide everyone with their outfits!

As they say, experience is the best teacher!

Making It Up As I Go

Outside of organizing and being at the back end of these fashion shows I’ve never really participated in that circle. I don’t have past experience that brought me here. To be honest, I can’t even say that I used to dream of this opportunity! Interestingly, it just happened! An opportunity fell in my lap and I decided to run with it!

Now of course that opportunity wasn’t chance or luck, I believe it was God. He has a wonderful way of directing and leading us! Sometimes I can feel quite inadequate in what He leads me to, but I have to remind myself that He equips me for what He leads me to! It’s not by my might or strength, but by His!

Let me just encourage you today to step into where He is leading you, even if it is completely unknown. Some of the most incredible things come when we are willing to step out in faith!

The Big Day

Maybe it isn’t a high school fashion show for you, but the big day will come. The day when you see a dream realized, a goal completed, an opportunity presented for which you have been praying! Stay in faith, seek God’s lead, and wait on the Lord.

One thing I absolutely love about God is that He isn’t limited by us. He isn’t limited by our imagination – He blesses us with things above and beyond it! Our faith doesn’t limit Him either! Knowing Him as I do, believing He has my best in mind as I am certain He does, I still wonder and worry about things. It’s not that I want to lack faith, it’s just that feelings and uncertainties can be so real. But I am challenging you, as I challenge myself, to shake free of those concerns that try your faith. Cast your cares on the Lord and then focus well on the work He has for you to do here and now.

Typically when I worry or get upset it is about the future. I’m not sure if things will work out how I think I want them to, sales might be terribly slow, what if inventory gets hard to maintain, etc, etc. But the truth of the matter is we only have grace for today, right now. We can thank God for holding the future and for making it clear to us as we get closer to it. And then we should practice letting it go and not worrying about the unknown. Because God knows, and that is truly perfection!

All Good Things

I’ve shared it so much before, but let me share it again – all good things take time, they take work, and they take prayer. Just because it isn’t happening now, just because things feel bleak, doesn’t mean it is time to give up. No! Rather give it your best and then give it to God!

Be it a high school fashion show, buying a house, or meeting the man of your dreams, incredible things are ahead for you! I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I do know that if you will give your best to God, no good thing will He withhold!

May God bless you with a newfound peace and direction as you navigate your days. Remember we all have challenges and opportunities and they lead us to what is next! Take courage and give it your best!

Until Next Time!


PS. Learn more about our shop: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/11/07/twig-downtown/

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