Common Sense

Common Sense

Common sense – some people seem blessed with it while others don’t. What is it and how do you cultivate it in your life?

On one hand, I think of common sense as walking around sense. Just knowing and understanding the basics of life. Founded on the Ten Commandments and derived from that.

The Ten Commandments

Interesting that trying to define common sense brought me down to the Ten Commandments. They fascinate me as they are an incredibly concise way to know the basics for living life. In todays world, law after law, mandate after mandate, is written and passed telling people what to do and how to think. And yet, if we get back to the basics, God summed up the laws for life in 120 or so words.

This conciseness, this directness of God’s Word tells me that common sense is also simple and straightforward. It’s not complicated or skewed. But rather, if you look to God and His Word, common sense should be built in. You will have a little voice on the inside, be it your conscience or the Holy Spirit, helping to direct your decisions.

This is definitely something we should seek to grow and lean in to. As the old saying goes, what you feed will grow, so be sure that you feed what you want to grow! If you want to have more clear direction, lean in more fully to God’s Word. It never returns void and He always answers. But we have to look for this direction and these answers.

Claiming Common Sense

We will always struggle with doubts. We are human and this is simply another area where we are weak. But remember, when we are weak He is strong. Don’t let your weaknesses overwhelm you, but rather seek His strength! And have some confidence. God designed you for precisely where you are. He’s not surprised, He’s not wondering how you got there. Rather you were placed very precisely because no one else can do what you can do, how you can do it!

Isn’t that wonderful? I find it so encouraging to remember, especially when I am feeling weak. But then I remind myself, if God wanted me to be perfect, He would have created me perfect. He doesn’t fault us for being who He created us to be. But on the other hand, He has equipped us perfectly for who He has created us to be! It’s incomprehensibly remarkable, really! In our weakness, we can lean in to His perfect strength!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7

Isn’t that verse such a wonderful reminder?!

The Rest will Follow

Common sense is not that far out of reach. Yes, it has to be constantly sought and worked for, but it is right there just waiting for us! Seek God, learn His ways, and common sense will follow.

I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to you! Please feel free to share with a friend or someone you think might benefit! Be sure to share your thoughts or tips regarding common sense below!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

2 Replies to “Common Sense”

  1. Very well written and so basic really!! Such a great reminder for me!!! Thank you for sharing! I always look forward to your posts!!

    1. Thank you so much!

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