Be An Example

Be an Example

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” -1 Tim 4:12

No matter our age, as Christians we are called to be an example to all believers. It is important to remember that our lives aren’t just about ourselves or our own comforts, but rather bringing glory to God, serving others well, and living lives that please Him!

I came across the verse above earlier this week and was reminded yet again how all things matter to God. It’s not just how we behave on Sunday or around elders, but also how we behave when we are alone or dealing with difficult people.


…in what you say,…

Our words matter so much. And not just our words, but how we say things too. It is so important to carefully weigh your words and your intentions before you say them. Once said, they can’t be taken back. Apologies can be offered, but words can’t be withdrawn, so it is vital to carefully consider what you say.

How you speak is just as important. Be sure you speak well of those in authority. Don’t just run your mouth, but pause to think before you speak. Speak intelligently and not thoughtlessly. Slang and curse words do not represent your people or your God well and it is best to stay away from them.

In speech as well as life, Christians should set a higher bar, they should be set apart from average people. I can’t help but think that part of growing up is coming to terms with that. We are called to be lights of the world, but if we are busy speaking like everyone else, our light is hardly going to be any different than another person’s light.


…in the way you live,…

The way we live is another area that is incredibly important to consider and constantly evaluate. As I said above, we are called to set a higher bar as Christians. Just because others live one way, isn’t permission for us to do so.

We need to learn the Scriptures and see what God says about how we are to live. And I think we should also help hold fellow believers to a higher standard too. Not in a preachy way, but rather in a this-is-important-to-God way. Iron sharpens iron – but if one “iron” isn’t doing it’s job to encourage another, neither is doing it’s job! All that being said, people will make their own decisions and we can’t control it. But we can be an encouragement and pray for those God impresses on us.

It is interesting to realize what God deems important versus what the world considers important. Make a list to compare and contrast and then challenge yourself to see things how God does. I encourage you today to devote your life, your everything, to God and follow His lead. It is a big decision and an enormous responsibility, but you will be blessed beyond your wildest expectations if you do!


…in your love,…”

Love can cover a broad range of things, from who we love, what we love, how we love, etc. It is important, yet again, to follow God’s lead in all things. The world would have us focus on and “love” certain things that are completely against what God’s Word says.

The world misuses words to confuse us and distract us from serving God well. Be on your guard and alert to this. Read God’s Word, really meditate and think on it. Pray and ask God to help you better understand it. Learn Who God is so you can better identify what is true or false. Talk to Christian elders that you trust to get a better understanding.

Seek to show others love. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for an incredible explanation of what love is and is not. It is not selfish, not self-seeking, doesn’t keep record of wrongs… believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. This chapter is incredible to read and try to live. Make a list of all it is and is not to give yourself another dimension of the picture of love – and then do your best to live it!


…your faith,…

As Christians, we must be very careful how we live. We are the lights of the world, remember? And when everything is dark except for a light on a hill, where do you look? In much the same way, Christians can be a bit under a microscope. The way you live as a proclaimed Christian will either make or break Christianity for some.

We live in an age of watered-down Christianity. It would seem that many claim to be Christians, but they live just like everyone else. Perhaps this is how it has always been, I don’t know. This being said, I think it is even more important to raise the bar and make a renewed effort to live a life set apart for God.

We have to live our faith and believe our beliefs. Not to come across as preachy or better than others, but rather because we have a personal responsibility from God Himself! Again, in order to do this, we must constantly work to better understand who God is. This is a lifelong quest and something you’ll never quite attain. But what better way to spend life than pursuing knowing and growing close to our most perfect Father?!


…your purity.”

Purity is so important and terribly discarded in today’s society. Moral purity, purity of heart, purity of mind, etc. To be pure is to be unblemished, innocent. Sadly, I can’t help but think that many don’t even seem to know what purity is. Why is a higher standard not held among Christians? Again, I can’t help but wonder if they don’t want to be different from others in the world. And that breaks my heart.

Purity is precious and a gift that God gives you in youth. It is to be protected and guarded by those around you. In time and the right circumstances some things will shift, but purity should still be maintained, within graduated parameters.

How we live our lives, our morals, our words, our faith, how we love, is all to be an example to all believers. Nothing is done in secret, God knows and we know. Everything matters and we must do our best to live lives that bring glory to God and honor our parents.

Some of the best people I know live disciplined lives. They are the most remarkable, represent God well, love their people well, and inspire me to do the same. Discipline is not a bad thing, but rather a way to better be an example to others.

Always remember, this life isn’t about you or your comforts, but rather serving God and other’s remarkably well. Let’s encourage one another and ourselves to live a life that honors God!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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