Hopeless Romantic

Hopeless Romantic

I am a hopeless romantic. It’s part of my charm so why even try to fight it? Every movie, book or story, I want the guy and girl to get each other. Every story should be a happily ever after for the good.

But what about just everyday life? Have you considered finding delight and excitement in little moments that others might take for granted? I was listening to some video and the woman was saying how when she paused and romanticized little things, it made her day so much more meaningful!

And I loved that reminder! Some days when things are busy and there is a lot to be done I feel like I don’t soak up little delights like I want to! Part of what makes women soft and sweet, in my opinion, is the joy and delight – the romanticizing – of everyday moments.

Enjoy Little Moments

So how might we be more feminine and lovely, soft and sweet, as we go about getting our work done? Top of my list would be with a smile on our faces and gratitude in our hearts. It’s hard to be grumpy when you are smiling!

Remember to enjoy little moments – even if they are tiny! – as you go about your day. That first sip of coffee or tea – really taste it and appreciate it! Your snack or treat, really pause and think about the flavor or texture. Don’t just mindlessly consume things.

Next up, expect something special to happen and then keep your eyes open for it! Perhaps it will be a call from a friend, a letter in the mail, or a kind stranger that you randomly bump into. Look for little perks and you will be sure to find them!

Another key way to enjoy little moments in your day is to make something special for someone else. Buy them a gift, make them a treat, leave them a note, etc. Blessing others blesses us! And what could be more lovely than that?!


To me, being a hopeless romantic doesn’t pertain only to romantic relationships, but rather how you look at life. Now I definitely hope and pray for a relationship, but there is so much that you can do for others meanwhile!

God loves us in such a way that I can’t help but see Him everywhere I look! In the tiniest details, in the most minute instances, I’ll look back and smile knowing that was His provision, His protection that kept me safe! He loves us in the most perfect and precious ways!

But let’s circle back around for those of us who are hopeless romantics and hoping for our own happily ever after. I truly believe that if you surrender your hopes and dreams to God, He will lead you in the way you should go. And it is your privilege to pray for and hope for the things He places on your heart. Just because you don’t have it now doesn’t mean it’s not coming. God has never failed and He never will.

I’ve read and heard and had people tell me that not everyone is promised marriage. And I get it, I do. But instead of passing that on to you, I would encourage you to really lean into your relationship with God. Get to know Him, talk with Him, tell Him the deepest dreams and secrets of your heart – and then listen to what He impresses on you. I love the verse in Scripture where it says “Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

God isn’t trying to trick you into wanting something you shouldn’t. Give everything to Him, and then watch what He does! He will bless you in unexpected ways, fuel your hopes, and in His perfect time, bring those dreams into reality! And as you go along and learn more about Him, those dreams might shift. The goal should be to want what He wants for us. And I am here to tell you that it is perfectly appropriate to want a relationship that honors God!

Hopeless Romantic

Being a hopeless romantic doesn’t mean I lack hope in the least. I guess it’s just a phrase I picked from who knows where! Perhaps it would be more accurate to call myself a hopeful romantic, ha!

But mostly what I’m trying to convey is that it is a good thing to be a woman. To lean into what God designed women to be. I am all the time reminding myself through reading or some such about tender and soft qualities of women because I want to be a perfect complement to a masculine man! We should never want to come across as being tough or not needing a man.

I always admire a well balanced relationship between a manly man and a ladylike woman. But what can I say – I’m a hopeless romantic!

Until Next Time!


PS. Don’t stop here – keep reading! https://www.theamericanlady.com/

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