These are the Days

I’m sure you’ve heard the age-old phrase many times: those were the days. I love to reminisce as much as the next person, but I’m here to share a new phrase: these are the days! Each and every day now has the potential to become a remarkable and noteworthy day to recollect later!

But how do we create memorable days when we’re going through everyday life?

In times such as these, where normal is a thing of the past, you have the best of opportunities to begin new traditions and choose new routines. Rethink what you truly consider important and make changes accordingly.

But where do you begin?

Plan out your days. Some things haven’t changed – such as needing to eat and keep the house clean – but other things have. Perhaps you find yourself at home now more than ever before. Or perhaps this is your first time helping your kids with their schooling. Wherever you are, I’ve got words of hope for you: You’ve got this.

Seriously, do not doubt it.

If God has called you to it, He will lead you through it. I firmly believe this and you can to. This perspective will give you courage and hope! If we will seek God, follow His lead, and gratefully accept the grace He so generously gives, we will come through these days remarkably well!

Years from now you will look back and remember this time. Do you want to remember it as a time of fear and frustration? Or a time of reconnecting, developing family traditions and being reminded of the importance of those immediately around you?

I want to remember the peace God filled me with.

The faith that He strengthened, the trust that He taught me. He is truly good and has our very best in mind. I want to remember the creativity He inspired and the everyday miracles I watched Him work right before my eyes. The opportunities He gave me to encourage others. Trying times can bring out the best in us.

All those things

You know all those things you would do if you weren’t swamped with work or your kid’s activities? Now’s your chance! Landscape your yard, clean out that closet, paint those walls, catch up that laundry, etc, etc, etc.

And I completely get it myself! I am in the process of several large projects with work. (I work remotely) “I’ll be so glad to finish such-and-such” I’ve commented time and again. Well guess what? I have just about all the time in the world to donate to these projects now.

At first, the opportunity to work on them for such long periods of time made me antsy. I’m used to jumping up to help customers or interact with people popping by the shop just to say hi. And now the streets are mostly empty. Which is fine and understandable – we are all doing what we need to do at this time.

But now that I’ve had a bit of time to get used to this new routine, I’m seeing progress made on these projects and this progress fuels my focus. And I can’t wait to see, once these projects reach their conclusion, where things are for us as a nation. Time is going to pass one way or the other. I just want to be sure that my days are filled well!

These are the Days

So no matter where you find yourself today, I hope that these words encourage and inspire you to fill your time well and keep your focus on God. Whether you read these words the day after I write them or a year from now, they still hold true: these are the days – make them memorable and joy-filled!

Until Next Time!


PS. It seems as if life, routine or not, is a constant opportunity to learn something new. Want to share some inspiration on what you are learning? Contact me here:

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