When Hearts are Light Again

When hearts are light again – that could almost be the beginning of a thought pertaining to the circumstances around you, couldn’t it?

But in actuality it is the title of a book I am in the middle of reading and wanted to recommend! I enjoy reading biographies on inspiring people, narratives on historical places and things, and the occasional piece of fiction.

I’ll be the first to tell you I’m quite picky when it comes to what to read. I don’t take the opportunity as often as I would like, so when I do, I do enjoy it being a source of enjoyment and interest!

Biography Recommendations

I haven’t read many self labeled biographies, but I have read quite a few books where people share their story. Lara Casey, Emily Ley, Joel Osteen, etc. I’ve even shared reviews of some of these books which I’ll link above!

A few biography-type books that I am anticipating reading are on Fanny Crosby and George Mueller.

Fanny Crosby wrote many of our hymns. She was blind from a young age and developed an incredible nearness to God. I find her story inspiring and would love to get to know more about her! Read a bit more about her here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2020/01/29/blessed-assurance/

George Mueller is another person who developed an incredible relationship with God. I’ve heard many stories of his faith and confidence in God. These stories amaze, inspire, and fill me with a wonderful desire to know God on a deeper level!

And what better thing in life than to pursue God in every way that we can?!

Historical Narratives

I could just cut to the chase and call them History Books, but Historical Narratives is much more compelling, isn’t it?

George Washington and His Secret Six was an incredibly interesting book that told so much more about the Revolutionary War than what you typically here. This book is well written, interesting, and engaging to read. I’ve read through some books that require persistence and focus to get through a paragraph – but not this book. The author, Brian Kilmeade, does an excellent job keeping the information interesting and the story flowing!

I am now reading another book by Brian Kilmeade about Sam Houston. There is so much history and research in these books – it is fascinating! Up until now, the story of the Alamo was a story to me. Yes, a piece of our American history, but just a fact. Now through this book, the story has so much more depth and significance.

Recommended Fiction

I’ll be honest, I cringe a bit at the sound of ‘fiction’ or ‘novel’. To me, they can come across as cheap or shallow. But when carefully and tastefully chosen, fiction can tell a beautiful story!

One of my favorite fictitious authors is Emilie Loring. She wrote stories back in the early to mid 1900s and she certainly has a way with words! The characters, the scenery, the storylines are tasteful and intriguing. Almost like vintage Hallmark movies or something.

The books typically tell the story of a man and a woman (of course they get each other!), a mystery of some sort, and always a love of country! They truly are delightful and if you need something lighthearted, I highly recommend them! They can be found on ebay (not sure that they are still in print) for a real deal!

What about you? Do you have some favorite books? I’d love it if you’d share! Feel free to comment below or send me an email! {hope@theamericanlady.com}

Until Next Time!


PS. I hope these suggestions have inspired you to take a bit more time to read! It can be so relaxing and delightful!

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