Did You Ask?

Did you ask? That question, that idea, that thought that you have in the back of your mind. The well-founded alternative or potential creative solution.

I’m not talking about petty questions. Not the type a child would ask – not of the “but why” variety. But rather the creative question that might propel you forward. The ones that might fuel your efforts and give you fresh inspiration!

I’m all about asking questions! Or at least I want to be. To me, to ask questions – really good ones – is to tap into a whole new level of creativity and inspiration.

But should we really ask questions? Why rock the boat and not just accept things as they are? Why be difficult and challenge things? Three simple words:

Ask. Seek. Knock.

Asking questions gets the ball rolling. You begin to see potential and a possible new course. Yes, you will also face a lot of rejection. Brace yourself to receive negative responses.

So much of what I do now is the result of taking one step after another, asking one question after another. Not because it has been easy or the path of least resistance, but because I have this idea of what kind of life I want to live for God and I have to step out of the norm to pursue this.

Asking questions doesn’t always lead us towards the next thing, but rather cautions us to avoid something. For instance, awhile back I badly hurt my ACL (a ligament in the knee). It hurt to put weight on it or take the stairs. I consulted my doctor about how to help it recover – what exercises or stretches could I do to strengthen it? Surgery. That was the only way to fix it, he told me.

Asking that question and receiving that answer inspired creativity. Instead of seeking a referral and pursuing knee surgery, I did my own research of what people had done to recover on their own. It took a good bit of time, but now my knee is better than before I hurt it!

So definitely ask your questions, but keep in mind how much power to give the answer!

Seeking guidance once you have asked your question is vital.

It is no good to have a strong start if you are going to drop things. Seek guidance, seek wisdom, seek clarity. And sometimes in your seeking, the only thing you can do for a time is put your head down and keep doing what you’re doing. This is when you get to exercise faithfulness and patience.

A few points I love to remember during these times are:

  • God grants wisdom to those who ask and
  • you reap what you sow

God grants wisdom to those who ask. This is something God promises His people, but you will notice, you have to ask.

You reap what you sow. It’s as simple and complex as that. Sow faithfulness, confidence, and security in what God has called you to do and you will realize {reap} faithfulness, confidence, and security in what you do.

And that all leads us to the final step: Knock

The final and yet equally vital step in this three step process. Knocking is when the opportunity presents itself. You’ve asked, remained faithful in seeking, and now the moment is here! Knock!

Once something is realized, that doesn’t mean it is cast in concrete. Perhaps the realization is incredible and more than you ever dreamed! I’m so excited for you! Now remain faithful and pursue that with all that you have!

Or perhaps the dream and anticipation was so much better than the realization. This opportunity had so many hidden caveats that you didn’t anticipate and it just isn’t for you. No worries, if it is truly not right for you then God has something better. Begin the process again. Ask. Seek. Knock.

Before you let yourself get down and feel dejected, remember this important question: Did you ask?

Did you ask for a creative workaround? Did you ask for specific direction? Don’t just throw your hands up in defeat! Ask good questions!

I hope my take on this has inspired you and helped you personalize a bit of Scripture. My perspective of it is (obviously) limited. How do you personalize this bit of Scripture? I’d love it if you’d share!

Until Next Time!


PS. You can approach everything in life with the ASK perspective – don’t leave a detail out! It is so exciting to see God show up and give direction! https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/03/07/art-asking-questions/

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