Incredible Potential

Incredible Potential

If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times, we are filled with incredible potential but it is up to us to tap into it. Opportunities come and go, but if we don’t take action and give it our best, rarely do we move forward.

This morning as I was reading, an idea of this incredible potential was illustrated to me in a new way. It was unbelievable! And I want to share it with you!

Make it Personal

Let’s just look at the big picture for a moment. Personally when I picture favor and blessings, I try to imagine big things! A significant increase in time, progress, efficiency, sales, etc. I understand that some of the largest limits that we have in life are self-inflicted, so I do my best to work around this. Not get in my own way, so to speak.

If we were to try to put this idea of incredible potential into numbers to make it more real, what would that look like? Hard to say, of course, but use your imagination here! Don’t be limited by what you know to be reality. One touch of God’s favor, one hint of a blessing and we can be catapulted light years ahead!

Try to Imagine

Let’s just try to imagine for a moment. Imagine you had a bit more time. Time is one thing we all have in common, the rich and the poor alike, and it is also one thing that most of us seem good at overloading. But imagine that you had an extra hour this afternoon. What would you do? How would you spend it? True, we are still limited to 24 hours in a day, but say a friend came along and said that they would run your errands while running their own. Suddenly, magically, the time that you would have spent running errands is now yours to fill another way! What a blessing!

Let’s think about our work now. Depending on what work looks like to you, blessing and increase can happen in different ways. Perhaps it is receiving a raise, an extra vacation day, a promotion, or making more sales. I have a boutique and sell items in the store and online. For me, an increase in sales would certainly be a blessing. Even if they only doubled! That would be incredible! Quadrupled?! I’d be on cloud nine! 10 times as many?! Beyond incredible!

You get the idea!

It’s so important to remember that God isn’t limited by anything. And often we are only limited by our own thoughts.

This is Incredible

Now as I mentioned above, I was inspired with a fresh bit of inspiration today and I want to share it. A simple verse that I have read many times, but that held such a new and significant meaning to me today!

“May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you!” – Deuteronomy 1:11

When I read that verse, I realized just how small I had been thinking despite my efforts! A thousand times more? Here I was thinking I was reaching a bit to imagine 10x!

Stop and really think about it. Personalize it and identify how and where this might apply in your life. We are blessed with incredible potential and we must give our best efforts in all areas!

Until Next Time!


PS. Don’t stop here! Keep reading:

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