Support Our Police

Support Our Police

We Support Our Police – a message I don’t see or hear too often – not that I don’t see it at all, rather than I can’t see it enough! Much like We Support Our Troops or God Bless America, patriotism, loyalty and respect is vitally important. Especially in this day and time!

Think about it for a moment – can you ever be on the receiving end of too much encouragement? Have you ever been cheered too much or too often? I really don’t even think it is possible to be too encouraged or too happy.

I’ve shared before about supporting our troops, and while I still heartily encourage it, I also want to inspire you to bring your efforts closer to home.

Where to Start

There is so much noise in the world right now. So much dissension and so many loud mouths. On top of that, the Silent Majority is, well, silent.

How can we make a difference amidst all this mess? Each of us is just one person, how can we even begin to encourage others? The answer is simple: start with where you are. The simplest efforts truly mean the most to those that matter.

Maybe you don’t know where to begin and you don’t know who to ask. Up to a few weeks ago, I was right there with you. But through prayer, reaching out to a few people, and stepping out in faith, I can offer you some suggestions that may help start you on your way!

Begin with What You Know

The beginning of anything can be intimidating. There are so many unknowns, and if we knew them, well, then they wouldn’t be so intimidating now would they?! Courage, friend, there is always a place to start.

Think about who you know. Perhaps you know the Chief of Police in your area or perhaps you don’t even know a single police officer. Many cities have websites with contact info of key people. You should be able to find the Chief of Police’s information there.

Once you find contact info, the next step is to get in touch. For some it is easier to type up an email or letter, and others prefer talking. Personally, I prefer to type something, as it gives me a chance to think about and carefully articulate what I want to say. I don’t always feel so concise in person.

What are you going to say? A great place to start would be to say thank you. Thank you for looking out for us, for protecting us, and for doing your jobs day in and day out so we can live in peace and safety. You don’t have to copy these words, make them your own, but hopefully they’ll help trigger an idea for you.

Be sure to let them know they have your support, that you want to encourage them as a way of saying thank you. Ask what they would find helpful and encouraging. Perhaps they would really enjoy pizza for lunch one day or maybe snacks for while they are on the go. Maybe notes of encouragement and gratitude.

Give some suggestions of how you might like to help and ask what they would like. Perhaps they already have programs in place that they can direct you towards or maybe you are the first to reach out in your area and you have to pave the way.

When it comes down to it, there really is no right or wrong way to support our law enforcement. It comes down to identifying and meeting a need.

Any Suggestions?

Perhaps you are / have been in law enforcement and can share some insight as to what you would find encouraging. We would love it if you would share with us! You can comment below or send an email to

Would a shopping list of snack suggestions be helpful to you? Let me know and I would be happy to share what our local law enforcement is currently enjoying!

Until Next Time!


PS. With all your efforts of supporting our law enforcement, please remember to pray for them. May God bless them and keep them safe!

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