True Courage

True Courage

I’ve been thinking a lot about courage lately. What is true courage? Perhaps part of it is being brave and part of it is stepping out in faith. But I think there is so much more to it then I have been giving it credit.

When I think of courage, it usually involves my doing something out of the norm – something new and uncomfortable. Last week held several opportunities for me to deviate from my regular way of doing things.

New and Different

It might seem petty to you – and it even seems petty to type it – but something as simple as delivering a store purchase to a customer’s grandmother had me a bit uncomfortable. Now it definitely sounds straightforward and like a lovely bit of customer service, but it was out of the ordinary and orchestrating the sale and details had me a bit rattled.

I told myself it wasn’t a big deal. The first time doing something new is always the hardest. Just put one foot in front of the other.

This day was filled with two or three other “firsts”. Humorously, I really can’t remember what they were right this second, but I remember by the end of the day I felt spent.

For some reason, it is far easier for me to accomplish the unknown and these new opportunities with someone. If my sister or a friend is along, it can be the exact same task but I am completely comfortable with it. I’ll even take the lead – it’s no big deal!

But when I’m alone, I can feel intimidated easily. It takes a lot of prayer to get up the courage to proceed. I have to really guard against failing to take action because I don’t want to do something alone. But on the other hand, I have found this struggle to inspire me to step out in faith, knowing that God will lead one step at a time.

So What is True Courage?

And that leads me to unpacking what true courage is, what it should look like in our lives.

I am currently reading through Joshua in the Bible. He is told so many times to be courageous, that victory is in the Lord’s hands. And he fights some major battles. As I am reading, I can’t help but think that preparing for those battles, facing the enemy, must have required true courage. Not “delivering a gift” courage, but true “risk life and limb” courage.

In Daniel, we read about the fiery furnace. The furnace was so hot that the guards were killed (talk about a bad day to be a guard of the fiery furnace!). As Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are being led to certain death, do you think perhaps they could feel the heat? Knowing how the story turns out I don’t want to gloss over the reality of it! What incredible courage they must have had being led there, remaining steadfast in their loyalty to God!

What about Daniel being thrown in the lions’ den? Talk about being thrown to the wolves! Lions are majestic and viscous beasts. So large and powerful, not to mention they have a pretty diverse appetite. Can you even fathom being thrown in a cage with them? What incredible courage Daniel must have had!

All that brings me back to my own insecurities.

I’ve heard it said that even if our difficulties seem hard for us (and not a big deal for others), that that doesn’t mean we are less of a person for being intimidated by them. I get that and appreciate it – sort of. In reading these stories of true courage, I’ve felt something shift inside of me and I want to introduce it to you.

Stop letting yourself be intimidated by petty things. True courage doesn’t back down or make excuses or even waste time worrying.

How can we best practice this? Weigh your insecurities from a different perspective. As you feel apprehension and discomfort sneak in, consider the situation. Would you feel insecure about this if someone trusted was with you? If not, then drop those insecurities right there. (on the other hand, if you would still feel insecure then perhaps it isn’t the right thing, so it’s best to avoid the situation. Be intelligent and mix your courage with caution)

We can drum up a million excuses that will keep us in our comfort zone or we can step up with courage and pursue opportunities God places in front of us. As long as you keep your focus on God and what He has for you to do, He will keep you headed in the right direction. But He often only gives one step at a time and waits for us to faithfully and courageously take that step.

Forget your worries and your insecurities, friend. God has so much more in front of us if we will only step into it!

I pray this inspires your day and your life! It has truly changed mine!

Until Next Time!


PS. Implementation is key! I was reading about training and learning things, and it is recommended that you spend twice as long implementing something as you have spent learning it. Time to take action!

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