A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything

Scripture tells us that there is a time for everything – a time to live and a time to die; to rejoice and to cry, etc. I love the idea that there is a time for things. I especially find it comforting now as things are so disruptive in our country. Some people seem to almost welcome the disruption as the new normal, whereas we have the promise that {outside of God} nothing is forever, this is only for a time.

This brings to mind the concept of time. Time is incredibly interesting and complex, and yet at the same time, fleeting. How can we make the most of it and and be our best for God in each season?

A Time to Rejoice

This probably would count as my most favorite season – rejoicing! I love the energy and delight moments like this bring! I enjoy looking for reasons to rejoice! And I especially am delighted when I look for little things to put a spring in my step!

Rejoicing doesn’t have to wait on major milestones or victories, but rather should be celebrated in everyday moments. Finish a to do item for the day? Yay! Did your toddler color inside the lines! Happy dance! Perhaps you received good results from an application or test – time to celebrate!

Don’t put off finding joy and delight in life until you have hit your five year milestone. Every day is a gift, find reasons to celebrate! And don’t just cheer inside, try cheering out loud! Give yourself a high five! Or if you are around others, share your victory and let them celebrate with you!

A Time to Cry

Some seasons can be difficult. Perhaps we lose someone we love or go through a tough situation. Things can be hard.

But time brings healing. No, it doesn’t remove the pain or the reality of the situation, but it does give you the opportunity to find grace and courage for the days ahead. In time you can discover new perspectives that help you heal and move on. Time doesn’t undo hard things, but it does give you every opportunity to claim the grace that God so abundantly gives!

Tears and sorrow are only human, only natural. We all struggle. But it is vital that we pick ourselves up and dust off and pursue happier days!

Earlier today I was reading about someone who had lost a close loved one. It was incredibly hard and so sad. But after a time of mourning they had to choose to move on, to remember all the good and wonderful memories and to let their heart heal from the loss. God promises He won’t take something from us without replacing it with something even better. Cling to this precious promise and set your gaze confidently ahead.

Only for a Time

No matter where you find yourself today, remember it is only for a time. It doesn’t matter how permanent things look, if you will keep your focus on and confidence in God, He will lead you to new seasons!

Sleepless nights due to a newborn baby? New seasons are ahead! Distressed by current events? Faith, God’s got this! Been waiting forever to meet the right person? God’s got the details lined up, no worries!

Keep your focus on God and the promises He has placed in your heart. Remind yourself of all the ways He has showed up for you and encourage yourself! We serve a loving and generous God! Trials and struggles will come, but He will always be with us and lead us through them! And spoiler alert, we have the potential to come out even better if we will give God our best!

May these words bless and encourage you! No trial is too large for God. No circumstance has caught Him off guard. He is very much on the throne and in charge. And He is forever victorious!

Until Next Time!


PS. Help Yourself to Happiness -> https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/02/21/help-yourself-to-happiness/

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