How to Make Lemonade

How to Make Lemonade

Do you know how to make lemonade? It’s really quite simple not to mention delicious and refreshing!


  • 5 cups water
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1 cup sugar

Lemonade is tastiest made with freshly squeezed lemon juice. To get the most from your lemons, allow them to come to room temp before juicing. I recommend using an electric juicer – it just helps speed the process! Juice lemons and then combine lemon juice, water, and sugar. Chill or serve over ice.

If you plan to serve the lemonade over ice, you may want to reduce the water to four cups instead of five. You don’t want to water it down too much! And if you notice, the ratio of the ingredients makes it super easy to adjust the recipe for however much lemon juice you have. Five parts water to one part lemon juice and one part sugar.

(so if you only have 1/2 c lemon juice, then you would use 1/2 c sugar and 2.5 c water)

Life and Lemons

As I am sure you know, lemons are typically sour. Thus in life when things prove to be unsatisfactory or defective they are often referred to as lemons. And I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “when life gives you lemons make lemonade“. In other words, take the setback, the disappointment, and use it to your advantage! Figure out how to give it a positive spin!

This is essential if you want to live a rewarding and joy-filled life! There will always be setbacks and disappointments. Nothing always goes well for anyone. Perhaps it looks like it from the outside looking in, but believe me, that is never the case as there are so many more details and things going on then we realize!

Making lemonade requires contentment and gratitude. Being grateful for where we are and what we have, not bemoaning our lot in life. If we will make the most of what we are blessed with, we are often blessed with more. But when we feel inadequate or unappreciated, those inferior feelings will increase.

Contentment vs Complacency

In our quest for contentment, it is important to realize that we shouldn’t let complacency sneak in. Complacency might whisper, if you were grateful, you wouldn’t try to change the status quo. But let me tell you, nothing remarkable was ever accomplished by someone who failed to take action. God helps those who help themselves. Get moving and give God your best!

Contentment says I am happy where I am, but with God’s help I am capable of going so much further. God created us to do our work for Him! He has a purpose for each of us, and we must seek Him, ask Him, just what that special calling is. And the beauty of asking Him is that He always answers!

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. – Matthew 7:7-8

How to Make Lemonade

Mastering the art of making lemonade isn’t difficult, the recipe is practically foolproof. Now let’s apply the art of making lemonade to our lives. When frustrations and difficulties come, instead of feeling defeated, let’s hold our head high and remember that God places His people specifically and He sets us up for victory! Instead of seeing these frustrations as roadblocks, let’s look at them as stepping stones! Something better is just over the horizon!

And you want to know a secret? The more you practice having this mindset, the easier it is! Not that you won’t still have moments of struggles, but you will get back on track faster than before!

If God led the Israelites through the wilderness, then I am confident He will lead me through my struggles, with mercy, grace, and more-than-enough blessings abounding!

Until Next Time!


PS. Find other recipes here:

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