Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

Do you ever find yourself at a loss – plenty to do, but unsure of where to actually begin? To be honest, I find myself in this predicament relatively frequently. Maybe it’s because we have a lot going on or perhaps it is because we are not the best at time management. Either way, beginning with even the smallest thing can help catapult us to making progress!

Start Where You Are

The secret to success lies in baby steps, in the little things you accomplish, the small changes you implement. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, seize the opportunity and make it perfect! Tweak, adjust, change what you need to along and along, but press forward!

Make a decision and then make it right is the thought shared in a book we are going through in class. Yes, obviously you must use caution and seek wise counsel, not make haphazard choices, but the value of making a decision and not floundering back and forth is enormous!

Paralysis of analysis – taking forever to make a decision – will not help you accomplish your goals. This being said, also know that you don’t always have to form opinions on things. This can save a lot of mental exhaustion! There are a number of topics in my “wait and see” train of thought. Items that don’t directly effect me or have any bearing on my day to day life.

Carefully consider what is important, what does matter to you, and then start where you are. Even if you can’t yet see the next step or what’s ahead. We often aren’t given the inspiration for what’s next until we are courageously filling our role in the here and now.

We Are Americans

Have you ever seen Night at the Museum? Rather a funny movie as I recall, but there was one line that stuck with me. General Custer, in an attempt to rally a friend says, “We are Americans – we don’t think, we DO!” and goes charging off enthusiastically. Now obviously, this quote could be taken too seriously, the gravity of it could be expounded on, etc, etc.

But to me it was more a reminder to live with adventure and embrace the unknown (with caution)! I believe it is important to take serious things seriously, and to also realize that not all things are serious. God surrounds us with beauty, with moments to pause, with opportunities for adventure! We can overthink these things, analyze them from too many angles, or we can embrace and appreciate them for what they are – blessings!

I guess the takeaway for me of that quote is a reminder to not overthink things too much. Of course I want to be sensible and thoughtful, cautious and considerate, but I don’t want to be a drip who doesn’t know how to appreciate all that God does to bless me!

First Things First

Another good way to start where you are is to have an idea where to begin. Know how you work best and then commit to applying yourself.

Typically, if not on a time restraint, I do the larger, more thought provoking items first in a day. Then as the day wears on these projects are either done or I’ve made significant progress on them. I try to save little odd and end items for throughout the day as I’m interrupted from my main project. That way I have the opportunity to continue making progress even when unable to work on my primary goal!

I definitely find that the more I accomplish in the morning, the more I accomplish throughout the day. But if my morning is thrown and I don’t get done what I was hoping to do, then it is a bit of fight for the rest of the day to apply myself. Interesting how our minds work, isn’t it?!

Celebrate Progress

I rarely, if ever, complete every goal I have set out to accomplish in a given day. But that’s a good thing! I truly believe that it is good to have plans in front of us to work towards and to pursue. As soon as we accomplish one thing, we should move on to the next! Definitely take a break and rest as necessary, but don’t live your life wishing to not have anything to do. I believe that we are created to do remarkable work for God and we must embrace this calling!

Celebrate the progress you have made! As the Bible says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

Now what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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