Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! May you find refreshment in this new season! Whatever your lesson, opportunity, or situation, make the most of it!

Happy Spring! Welcome to warmer weather, longer evenings and a fresh new season! Spring is one of my most favorite times of the year! I love how the crisp mornings give way to warmer days! The light breeze that blows through and refreshes. And the blossoms and blooms that color the yards and fields. It’s […]

Learning from Others

Learning from others is highly recommended - and it just shows good sense. We can watch another's actions and witness the consequences. Weighing these two things can teach us so much.

It is fascinating to me that we can look at those around us and learn a myriad of things. We can discover new ideas, determine attitudes that we admire and witness reactions that we want to avoid. Learning from others is an essential tool that we must learn to use if we want to go […]

Why Are You Going to College?

Why Are You Going to College?

Once you graduate, you are headed to college, right? Seems like most people take it for granted. Sure it can be expensive, but you can always apply for scholarships. And what about needing a vehicle to get around between campus, the grocery store, and home? Where will this money come from? Parents, perhaps? Or loans? […]