What’s Your Plan?!

What's Your Plan?!

What’s Your Plan?!

Do you keep a planner to help you schedule your day or week? You really should as it can inspire your day – I do! I like to keep a running list of what I have to do in front of me. Some days I accomplish everything on my list and other days, I don’t get to the first thing. But all is not lost as the list of tasks serves as a rough draft for tomorrow’s plan!

I don’t know about you, but I am part of a large family! And I truly love it! But in reality it can affect the dynamics of a day. There are hundreds of interactions and conversations. And when you work from home, that can really dictate the flow of your day. Sticking to a schedule can be difficult, near impossible. But instead of getting aggravated at the lack of regime and tight scheduling, embrace this time and take delight in those around you! Family is such a blessing – especially when you live in harmony and really enjoy each other! I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve done my computer work with a little niece on my lap or paused my work to print a coloring picture for my nephew (Army Men coloring pictures are the best – or so I’m told!)! At the end of the day, I am never sorry I took the time for those little extras. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy these Darlings!

You might wonder why I think a Lady should keep a planner or keep to a schedule. I think if a Lady wants to accomplish the most she can and help those around her as effectively as possible, than a plan is crucial! Of course this plan should start out as goals for the year, and the planner helps to break the goals down into achievable steps!

The goals can be anything – but they must be yours! As a Mother, your goal might be to potty train your little one or home school your children. As a Grandmother, your goal might be to make something special for each of your grandchildren or to write to your children regularly. As an unmarried Aunt, your goal might be to start a small business or learn a new language. As a teenage girl, your goal might be to finish high school or start a home business. No goal is better than another as long as it is your own (or your parents for you!)! Never feel that your goal is insufficient or inferior to another person’s goal.

Really own that goal and make it extraordinary! Add special touches and extra details to make it exquisite and exceptional! Anyone could have chosen that same goal, but do they do it with the flourish and expertise that you can?!

Now that you’ve decided on your goal and how to accomplish it in a remarkable way, figure out where to begin! Some goals have a very decided first step, whereas others have many areas that can be started depending on your preference! That’s where a planner comes in handy! Write down all those things that can be started on – things that aren’t dependent on something else being accomplished first. Write them all down, then throughout the day, as you have a moment, peek at your list and see if you can’t accomplish one or two things! Or, rewrite those first steps as you’ve had time to think about them and have been inspired as to how to do them differently!

I like to keep my planner current – I write in it in the early morning of the day, then the next day when I’m writing my days plan, I also go back and edit the previous day so that I can see just what I did in fact get done! This provides a lovely amount of information (such as how long a product line took to release from the time I created it to the time I made it available for sale) and I often reference different events and dates. It helps me keep organized and helps me get things done!

So what about you? Are you inclined to keep a planner? Or perhaps a list of things to do? Do you have goals? How do you figure out what to do/when?! I’d love it if you’d share!

Until Next Time!


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