New Every Morning

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

God’s mercies are new every morning. I love that reminder and promise!

As I sat down to type up todays post, I heard a song come from another room. I’ve heard the song many times, but today as I sat reflecting, I remembered how the song had been played at an important event several years ago. That event was truly a miracle. Yet another example of God and His mercies!

I take great delight in looking for God in every day things. The far and away remarkable things definitely thrill me, but I also love to see Him in the little things.

I see His mercies as a wonderful safety net around me guiding my every move. That’s not to say that I don’t pray and ask for His guidance and direction. But rather I know that He is quick to show me mercy when I fail.

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:22-23

If we want to grow closer to Him, we must learn to see God’s hand at work in every area of our lives.

Years ago when I was beginning my first business, money was tight. Many times I would find items that I wanted to grow the business but I would wait until I had the money to purchase them. More than once, I missed out on the item. The sale would be over or the item would no longer be available. At first this would frustrate me. I would see it as a bit of annoyance that I wasn’t able to purchase the item in a timely manner. But then my perspective was refreshed!

I realized that God controls sales and inventory and finances. He is the one who controls whether items or funding is available! This is just another area that He directs our steps and guides us! And I so appreciate it! His mercies, His direction keeps us from wasting our money, buying something we don’t need, or perhaps even offering a product that won’t sell. It’s not bad luck when things sell out – it is His direction. Next time this happens to you, don’t let it annoy or frustrate you! Know that it is direction and that God obviously has something even better for you!

Lovingkindness – as referenced in the beginning of the verse up above – what is that? I think it is just what it sounds like – love and kindness! Can you even believe that they never fail?! They also are new every morning. Every. Single. Morning. Isn’t that remarkable?! Isn’t that amazing how He wants to bless us in such wonderful ways?!

I love this reminder because sometimes I have the wrong mindset about things. When things are going very well, I confess my default response is slight apprehensiveness waiting for the other shoe to drop. Things aren’t always sunshine and flowers, the remarkable and exciting is typically followed by the routine and quiet.

But I have to remind myself that this too is His compassion and love. It is the balance that allows us to renew our hearts and energy for what He has ahead of us. It’s not a letdown, it is quiet and rest. If we were constantly pushed, pushed, pushed, we wouldn’t be able to give Him our best!

Always remember, the quiet between the excitement is also from Him. He never fails. His faithfulness is perfect. And His love, kindness, and compassion – among many other things – is new every morning!

Do these verses speak to you? Isn’t it amazing to consider a hint of the depths of His love for us?! It is truly the most remarkable thing to me! Feel free to leave me a comment below!

Until Next Time & Next Year!


PS. How are you doing working on your goals?! Enjoy this post for a bit of encouragement:

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