Have Some Faith

Faith is an incredible thing. It can cause you to believe things, when circumstances and facts don't make that belief obvious. It is why we live with hopeful expectations. Faith is powerful, it is one of the main foundations of our Christian lives.

Though growing and improving should be an ongoing Christian goal, some days I am hit with certain areas that I especially need to refine. And this particular time I felt the distinct reminder to have some faith.

Faith is an incredible thing. It can cause you to believe things, when circumstances and facts don’t make that belief obvious. It is why we live with hopeful expectations. Faith is powerful, it is one of the main foundations of our Christian lives.

And it is always good to practice this wonderful trait. Because to live without faith is to live with fear. You can’t have things both ways.

Earlier this past week, something came up. Usually things are good and go nice and smoothly. But earlier in the week, something worried me. Someone was a bit down and I always feel so bad when I or anyone goes through that.

Nobody wants to be down, right?

This put a bit of a low on my day. Not that someone else was down to put a low on my day, just that we are a close family, so when someone is down, we feel for one another. After I said a prayer for them, I went about my day and got busy, forgetting my worries on their behalf.

Along and along, I remembered about them. I said another prayer, and again began to worry a bit. Not an all out panic style of worry, just an ooh, poor dear, I hope they’re doing okay… I decided to text them, just to touch base, but something came up and I couldn’t. I wished they might just text and give me some idea of how they were doing so I would know if my worrying was justified. If only I could be with them, at least I could know how they were doing.

And then it hit me.

I really just needed to have some faith. I had prayed about it – the most helpful thing I could do – now I needed to have faith that God had the details. But how can I know that things are better if I don’t hear from this person, I pondered. Again, and a bit more adamantly, have some faith.

Faith that, even if I’m not with this person and able to see how they are for myself, God is and He knows. Faith that, if I pray about it and cast my cares upon God, He’s got this. I don’t need to revel in my little worries or concerns. I need to have faith knowing that God will show up and take care of each of us.

Perhaps like me something has been weighing on you. Let me encourage you to give it to God. Accept the peace that He gives. Definitely make changes and address areas that you need to, but at the end of the day cast your cares on Him having faith that He’s got this.

Have some faith, my friend. God’s got this.

Until Next Time!


PS. Faith, just like kindness and truth and all other character qualities, is something we must use and strengthen and grow in. I shared more about faith here – https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/07/25/stepping-forward-in-faith/

2 Replies to “Have Some Faith”

  1. A very thought provoking post.

    1. Thank you for the note!

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