A New Take on Women’s Rights

A New Take on Women's Rights

“Vote for women’s rights.”

I remember hearing the chant in an old movie we watched together growing up. I really didn’t have a clue what the chant meant, but as is true for most children, I didn’t see the need to understand before I went around repeating it. My poor parents…!

Fast forward to the last few years and I still hear about how women should be equal to men, etc, etc. I’ll be upfront and tell you I really don’t think that’s the case. Men have strengths that women don’t have, just as women have strengths that men don’t have. There is no equality – nor is there the need for it. If each of us will stay in our own lane, working to be our best, we will go so much farther than if women are trying to compete and be more equal than the men.

Right to Vote

One area this has long annoyed me is women’s right to vote. I’ve never felt a surge of power or gratitude for those who supported the suffrage movement. (I’m guessing that’s what those who are for it feel? I’m really not sure here…) To be honest, reference to women’s rights and suffragettes make me cringe. Women have such strengths and yet they have this annoying propensity to harp on areas that don’t inspire.

Every time it comes around to voting, my Dad goes over who is running, who he is voting for and why. He is my authority so I vote how he votes. I have a tendency to do it quietly, not wanting to hear about how important a women’s voice in voting is. Please just spare me that! I understand that voting is a solemn duty and a privilege – I just am tired of hearing about women’s empowerment.

But this year, I was given a new perspective and I absolutely love it. During the RNC, our lovely First Lady Melania stated how honored she was to give her vote to her husband, President Trump. With that simple phrase, my perspective changed. Instead of cringing about women’s rights and women’s empowerment, I could delight in the privilege in casting my vote. She shifted the focus on voting being what women deserve to do, to voting being another way that we as women can support those around us.

A New Take

Just as the First Lady helped shift my perspective, perhaps yours also could use a shift. As girls, ladies and women, let’s focus on helping and building up those around us, forgetting about our so-called rights. Let’s seek to be an asset, a cheerleader, and encourage others to be their best.

Instead of seeking empowerment, let us remember that humility and meekness are two of the most powerful qualities that we can possess. Not to say that we need to be door mats or let others walk on us, but rather, we will make a larger impact and accomplish more in life if, instead of clawing our way to the top, we lift others. There is a real and quiet strength in meekness. That is how Christ was described – and shouldn’t that be our life’s purpose, to have the character of Christ?

As you go about your day, instead of noticing equality discrepancies between men and women, may you recognize their unique and individual strengths. That is the beauty of men and women, together they are stronger than apart. If they were equals, they wouldn’t need each now would they?!

Until Next Time!


PS. Be alert to what the world says and be sure to search the Scriptures and seek wise counsel! Also, please keep the election in your prayers!

“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” -James 5:16b

Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/01/31/how-to-do-remarkably-well/

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