Promises, Protection, and Provision

Promises, Protection, and Provision

In the midst of my work, these three Ps hit me: Promises, Protection, and Provision. Sometimes things are murky or times are uncertain, and to know that we can always look to God because His faithfulness is perfect is a terrific comfort!

As I paused my work and considered these three Ps, I decided I need to delve into them deeper. Really ponder and consider them. And perhaps in my sharing, you will find some encouragement and hope for what you face!

God’s Promises

Some of God’s promises are spelled out in the Scriptures – He promises His people food, clothing and shelter. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. He says that it will be well with us in the land if we honor our father and our mother. And the list goes on and on and on!

But what about the day to day, the details that might seem small and yet can have such an enormous bearing on our lives? Though we may not have promises about the details, we can rest assured knowing that we have promises for the conclusion. The plans, the details, the unknowns are all in God’s hands and He is working all things together for our good. What an incredible promise!

God’s Protection

God’s protection is the most incredible blessing! I’ve witnessed it more times than I could count and His attention and mercy fill me with humble gratitude like nothing else.

His protection fills me with courage and boldness, knowing that He will be with me wherever I go, watching my coming and my going. Don’t ever let fear of the unknown keep you from pursuing what God has directed you to do. Definitely be prudent and cautious, but be bold and courageous too! And lean into His merciful protection! You’re not in this life alone and don’t have to make judgment calls by yourself! Look to God, seek His counsel. He will guide and protect!

God’s Provision

All this seems to lead to God’s provision. One of my favorite thoughts on God’s provision is the fact that where He leads He equips. He never sets us up for failure or sets us up to disappoint us. We must keep our focus on Him and His ways and not set our affections on things of this world.

But just because God provides for us, doesn’t mean we don’t have to show up and put in the time and work for what He has promised us! And this is vital to remember! Don’t get complacent thinking that if God wants you to have something He will hand it to you, but rather determine how you can show up and be your best and be well prepared for what He has promised you! God helps those who help themselves!

I pray these thoughts fill you with hope and encourage you in this new year! Seek God and show up for where He leads! And remind yourself often of His promises, protection, and provision!

Until Next Time!


PS. Remember to be working on your goals for the new year! Not sure where to start? Consider your goals from last year and decide which you want to pursue and which you want to let go of.

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