All Your Might

All Your Might

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” – Ecclesiastes 9:10a

Every Monday part of my devotions is putting up a new Scripture for the week. A few years back, my sister brought me some lovely and decorative cards with Scripture on them, so now every week I pull out a new verse. This is one of my favorite things to do as the verses are random so each week is rather a surprise. Incredibly, the verses are often spot-on to what I need to hear with things that are going on.

This weeks verse was Ecclesiastes 9:10a and it got me to thinking. Do what is set before you with all your might. All your might. To the best of your ability, not holding back, but all in, so to speak.

As I read this verse I prayed and asked God to reveal how He would have me apply it. I want to be my best for Him and He is so good to guide if we will but ask! I also thought perhaps you too could use encouragement in your life to give your best in what He has called you to do. Let’s consider some key areas that we should consider.

Our Attitude

Our attitude is the most important thing that we can work on. Not only does it affect our mood and the way we perceive things, but it also has a huge impact on those around us.

If we truly believe that God has us where He wants us, then it is our duty to be our best where we are, complete with an excellent attitude. Perhaps we are praying for more, looking forward to what’s ahead, or even in the process of adapting to new changes. It is essential that we have an exceptional attitude, full of gratitude and hope.

We must bloom where we are and find joy in the here and now if we are to be our best with all our might. Anyone can be average and do pretty well, but it takes a special grace to shine brightly with expectant hope!

Our Home and Family

That which is closest to us is often what we overlook first. But we must never, ever underestimate the value and blessing of our home and family. They should get the best of us, our sunniest disposition, our cheeriest conversations and our eager help.

God places us so particularly, He knows exactly who we need and excellent relationships are important to Him. After all, we are specifically told to honor our parents, aren’t we? What better way to practice this than by being our best for them with all our might? Serving and helping them well, submitting to their guidance, seeking to be a blessing to them, etc.

When we practice being our best for them, this overflows in the way we help keep the house or help with meals. It affects how and with whom we spend our time. Remember, with all our might means all our might. Not in a couple areas here and there, but others really don’t matter. No, we must give our best to the very best of our ability!

Our School or Work

Our school and/or work make up a great deal of how we spend our time as we grow older. This is yet another vital area for us to practice being our best. Yes, we may fail, but we must brush off and recommit to being our best every time we do. All in means all in.

Don’t sell yourself short by trying at something. Even if you only pursue something for a limited time, commit to giving your best with all your might until you are shown the next step. Sometimes you will be on a path for life and other times the path will take many unexpected turns. Be your best, show up, and do it with all your might.

Only the Beginning

It is amazing when you pause to realize all in life that this verse affects. May God bless you with a special vision of how adjusting your efforts can impact every area of your life! He is a remarkable God and we must serve Him to the very best of our ability – with all our might.

Until Next Time!


PS. Don’t stop here – keep reading:

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