Today is the Present

Today is the Present - Stop and Smell the Roses! ♥

“Yesterday is called the past. Tomorrow is called the future. Today is the present because it is a gift.”

That’s what my grandmother always told me. And I must agree, every day is a special day! Some days are filled with special, wonderful moments and other days are difficult and it’s hard to find the joy and wonder in them. But let me encourage you to look for it! It will remind you just how lovely life is!

As American Ladies we have the potential to largely set the mood of our environment. Let’s make it a delightful place! Let’s greet people with enthusiasm! Let’s smile for no specific reason at all! Let’s keep things tidy and clean! Let’s inspire others! Let’s be our absolute best!

What is a good way to make all these lovely ideas a reality? One thing that I do is keep a gratefulness journal. In this journal I only record positive, happy things! Ways I’ve been blessed, insight I’ve received, things that have brought myself or others joy, etc. And let me tell you, that journal is a delight to flip back a few days and read. It’s encouraging and an excellent reminder of what I should focus on if I truly want to live up to my idea of the American Lady.

Another way to celebrate the day is to stop and smell the roses! (If you are as lucky as I am to actually have a garden with roses, then you really should pause for just a moment and enjoy those roses! Admire their beautiful color and lovely fragrance!) Take a moment to enjoy the sunrise, watch the clouds roll by, sip your coffee while it’s hot, start reading that book you’ve been too busy to enjoy (even if it’s only a few pages!), watch your little ones play and interact with each other and I could go on…! Let me just encourage you to really be intentional in living your life. Enjoy it! Appreciate it’s beauty and let it inspire you!

And another brilliant idea? Help someone else with something – anything! Or even just spend time with them. You’ll be amazed at how refreshing this is and how it helps you appreciate so many things, so much more! On top of that you’ve had the opportunity to be a blessing! Isn’t that a lovely way to enjoy the present?!

What are some ways that you make sure to appreciate and enjoy each day?! I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts and ideas with me!

Until next time!


One Reply to “Today is the Present”

  1. Sometimes I carry my Sweet Little Sister a cup of coffee.
    She deserves little kindnesses like that, a lot.
    Also, she deserves coffee.
    A lot!

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