Feelings aren’t a Bad Thing

Feelings aren't a Bad Thing

Feelings are powerful things.

They can cause us to feel so excited and on top of the world or they can leave us feeling humiliated and disheartened. Embrace the positive feelings that are lovely and enthusiastic! Let them shape you, encourage you and inspire you! Let them make you a kinder, sweeter, more thoughtful Lady. Share those lovely feelings – inspire others with them!

Don’t let your negative feelings get the better of you. They are only feelings. Yes, they can seem enormous. Yes, they can feel so very real. But they are only feelings. They’re emotions. They will swing one way, and then given time or a change in circumstance (or St. John’s Wort!), and they will swing the other.

How do you handle your negative feelings? Do you let them control you and let your mood depend on them? Do you let them set the course for your day? Or do you handle yourself well, no matter how you feel? It’s so important for a lady to act with grace and handle herself in an exemplary manner. Some people think that the more fiery or impassioned you become because of listening to your negative feelings, the better. I definitely disagree. Ladies should always conduct themselves carefully. They should never listen to or let their negative feelings control them. And they most certainly shouldn’t seek to hurt others because of wounded feelings.

If someone cuts you off or is rude to you, don’t let annoyed feelings rush in your head – and especially don’t verbalize them. If someone was rude to you – be it a sibling or a stranger – assume the best. Perhaps they’ve had a very hard day, perhaps someone was rude to them first, perhaps they’ve received bad news, etc. Of course, there is a chance that none of the above has occurred and they are just unpleasant people (or fail to control their own negative feelings), but do you know that assuming the best and thinking kind thoughts makes it far easier for us to live our lives with joy and enthusiasm?!

Think of it this way – if you always made an effort to be enthusiastic and kind, and say you had a rough moment (because everyone does once in a blue moon), instead of people rolling their eyes and saying “who’s surprised – she’s always like that!”, they were sympathetic and said “poor thing, she’s always so kind normally – something must really be wrong”. I’d so much rather people think the second thought about me when I struggled than the first.

People seem to expect women to be highly emotional. To express themselves with a wide variety of feelings. But if you want to be a Lady you must control your negative feelings and emotions. Don’t let them control you. Don’t be a pain in the neck. DO embrace your lovely, feminine, kind feelings! Go all out! Feelings aren’t a bad thing – they’re a part of us Ladies and there is no escaping them! We just have to know how to handle them so that we can be our very best and most lovely version of the American Lady!

Until Next Time!


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