Don’t Worry About Tomorrow

Don't Worry About Tomorrow

“Don’t worry about tomorrow”

This thought popped into my mind and I was reminded of an important lesson. And I want to share that lesson with you!

I had just finished scheduling social media for the upcoming week and was so grateful to have it done. Somehow, coming up words for engaging content is not high on my list of strengths. Coming up with words for pretty much anything is a large effort in and of itself, and rather a miracle when it is accomplished! (ironic that I should choose to write a blog, isn’t it?!)

Anyway, as I finished with scheduling the social media for my boutique, I paused and rejoiced that it was done. But then I felt a surprising discouragement. Almost a dread. I didn’t have any idea what I would say or share next week. I felt like I had used up all my good ideas and that was it. Not a single idea left. And there I was, beginning to “worry about tomorrow”. (Next week, actually, but you get the idea!)

Now if you knew me personally, you would find it humorous that I struggle with words and finding things to say. You don’t often find me without something to say when I’m at home with my family or getting groceries at the store. So why should the thought of forming thoughts and ideas for social media or a blog be so difficult? I really don’t know. I think that if I could just record my subconscious thoughts while I work on my household tasks, I’d never run out of new and creative ideas! But somehow holding those ideas until I’m able to sit down to a piece of paper to share them is borderline impossible.

But that’s just a weakness

And guess Who is really great at helping me with my weaknesses?! God! So it’s something I pray and talk to Him about. Honestly, when I go back and reread my blog or social media posts, or even journal entries, I can’t help but feel that it isn’t something I’ve written. I feel that He writes it for me. Yes, it might be my handwriting, my phraseology. But those ideas, that creativity, He deserves all the credit for that! It’s exciting and humbling to see the thoughts He gives me in writing! I love it!

As I found myself worrying about not having any ideas for the next weeks worth of social media, I was reminded about a simple Bible verse “Don’t worry about tomorrow”. All of the sudden I realized that I should rejoice and be grateful in the here and now and not allow myself to grow anxious because I didn’t have something as simple as a blog topic or social media content for next week. It seems like rather a small concern in the grand scheme of things, but when it is something we pour our time, energy and effort into, it can seem quite significant!

We all have areas like this. Maybe you don’t struggle with writing, but perhaps it is difficult for you to visit with people in public. If you were required to write an essay, or even a short novel, that would be quick and easy compared to carrying on an intelligent conversation with someone. I completely understand, believe me! Isn’t it a blessing that although we all have weaknesses, we only have weaknesses that we are equipped to face and grow through?!

Don’t shy away from your weaknesses

So let me just encourage you, don’t shy away from your weaknesses. The only way you should let them define you is if you highlight how God is doing remarkable things through them. In the New Testament, Paul was grateful for his weaknesses because in his human weaknesses it was evident that God was the source of his strength. Isn’t that a remarkable attitude to have?!

I write this just as much for myself as for you – I promise I’m not trying to be preachy or anything. I just love to share epiphanies and new perspectives that I’m blessed with as I go about my day!

How can you better remember not to worry about tomorrow? What is a struggle that you face? What makes you feel a bit helpless? Perhaps it is a key area that you need to embrace and dive into, knowing that God is strongest where you feel weakest!

We aren’t given areas of weakness so that we have a list of things to worry about and avoid. I believe that we are given weaknesses to remind us just how much we need God and how much can be accomplished through His infinite strength!

In the areas you might struggle, be sure to remember that God is an infinite God! “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him!” So don’t fret if you can’t see the way or the direction, in your weakness. Move on confidently knowing that God’s power is perfect in your weakness!

Until Next Time!


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