Makeup – Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

Makeup - Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

Makeup – Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

Makeup is a lovely luxury that women and girls can enjoy! As with style, makeup should enhance who you are, not try to make you into someone you are not.

Do you wear makeup? If so, what’s your look of choice? If not, is it something that you are considering trying? Makeup is a delightful way to try new trends or enjoy classic Old Hollywood looks! It can help you achieve a unique, signature look – a pop of lip color, brightening eye makeup, colored eye liner. Experimenting with different makeup can reward you with fresh, new-to-you looks!

If you’re new to makeup, remember less is more – you can always add to what you have on, but it can be a great trick to mute a new eyeliner or mascara (especially if it is waterproof!).

What kind of makeup do you wear? Do you get yours from the drugstore or from the cosmetic counter at a department store? Or do you pick and choose some from each place? After all, variety is the spice of life!

One of my favorite things about makeup is that it gives you a relaxing way to embrace your feminine beauty! I do enjoy taking a bit of time in the morning to freshen my face with a bit of eye makeup and lipstick! A lady who embraces and enjoys the beauty God has blessed her with is a rare and wonderful thing!

Does this mean that it is wrong for ladies not to wear makeup? Of course not! Nor should they should hide behind a facade of makeup either. It is simply another way to enjoy being a lady!

What about you? What are some ways that you delight in being a lady? Though makeup is one of my choices, it doesn’t have to be yours. It is so important to appreciate what we have! Our appearance and femininity is something God specifically blessed us with! Let’s enjoy and embellish it!

Perhaps makeup just isn’t your cup of tea – that’s okay! Let me encourage you first and foremost to be yourself – specifically who you are created to be! Second, determine how you will embellish and enjoy being a lady! It truly is vital for you to appreciate and embrace your beauty!

I believe that God blesses each of the women that He creates with beauty! This beauty is unique and placed specifically by God. We must thrive in it and let it shine so that others might see God radiate from within us!

Helping Other Women to Identify Their Beauty

What about the young girls and young ladies in your life? They need your encouragement as they become women. Little girls love beautiful things, but somewhere down the road as they grow up, their love of beauty can get squelched or forgotten. We must help them remember! And makeup is a fabulous tool for us to utilize in these efforts! The beauty of it is, in our efforts to help them recognize and enhance their unique beauty, they in turn will help us rediscover ours! It really is a wonderful, heart-warming cycle!

So let us remember to encourage ourselves and the girls and women in our lives to look for and recognize beauty! Some ladies might not think it necessary or even appreciate our efforts, but we shouldn’t let that daunt us. God created beauty just for us ladies! Perhaps some might forget or even not know it, but that doesn’t make it any less real!

Let us, from the youngest girl to the sweetest grandmother, embrace and enhance the beauty in our lives! For if we will open our eyes, we will see that we are surrounded by it! And what better way to show our gratitude to God than by making the most of this gift He so generously has given us?!

Until Next Time!


PS. Have you ever read the Westmore Beauty books? I shared about them here and highly recommend them!

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