Choosing Your Word of the Year

Choosing Your Word of the Year

Choosing Your Word of the Year

How do you choose a word of the year? What does it even mean to choose a word for the year? And how do you make it your own, much less choose one that someone else hasn’t chosen? Do you even have to have a word of the year?

These are all questions I found myself asking earlier this year. I read about a number of people who had chosen words that really highlighted what they were focusing on, working towards and making every effort to accomplish. I found them inspiring, and most of the words and motivations behind them were excellent!

But somehow it didn’t seem quite right to say, “Ooh, she’s chosen bloom for her word of the year because she wants to bloom where she’s planted. I’ll do the same thing!” No, if you are going to choose a word of the year, you should be the one to choose it and you should choose it based on personal reasons, not because someone else shared them and they sound good to you.

Do you even have to have a word of the year?

Perhaps January 1st rolls around and you don’t have a word of the year – is all lost? Are you a failure? All of your friends have a word in mind except you – should you throw in the towel now? Absolutely not! Truth be told, having a “word of the year” was a new concept to me and I learned about it in February of this year. And then for months I couldn’t think of a word unique to myself and my situation.

I read about one lady who chose the word “Surrender” because she was determined to quit trying to rush ahead of God and force plans that might not be meant to be. She wanted to surrender her life to God and His will. She wasn’t going to quit trying or working towards goals, but she was going to pray and seek God before taking action. Another lady chose the word “Bloom” to remind herself to appreciate where she was in this season of life. She wants to be sure to delight in and enjoy things that only this season offers, rather than longing for and impatiently waiting for change.

Both of these words and motivations are inspiring, and I can see how they could apply in areas of my life, but they aren’t specifically what I feel called to work on right now. They are not where I feel my weakest, or where I feel I need the most help. So I pondered and prayed. I asked God, “Is it even important to You that I find a word of the year?” I don’t mean that question in despair at all, but rather a simple question – is it important? – because if it’s not, that’s fine and I’ll move on and focus my energies elsewhere.

Finding a word of the year isn’t the end-all by any means, but it is a tool we can use to motivate ourselves in better serving God and others.

So do you even have to have a word of the year?

Absolutely not. It is not one of the Ten Commandments, nor is it mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount. But we are called upon to renew our minds, to encourage ourselves and others, and to be our very best for God. Having a word that can jump-start a better attitude or response would only benefit us in our efforts!

How do you choose a word for yourself?

As always, first off I suggest prayer. (I recommend prayer as the first step in all things – if you have an expert in the field, wouldn’t you ask Him? Guess what? God is an expert in every field!) Ask God if this is a way that you could get to know Him better and better fulfill your role in life. Most likely this will take time – don’t fret! Having a word that doesn’t quite fit your story right now is worthless compared to a word that motivates and inspires you to new heights! Your word will come at the right time and probably in the most surprising of ways! Be sure to remain alert and pay attention! Words are everywhere!

How do you know if it is the word for you?

Only you know your story, where you are right now in life. Your word should motivate you in an area you feel weak. It should be something that you have to work towards. It can’t be something that you have already achieved and conquered. And it will probably be a different word from anybody else’s you know!

How long do you claim your word of the year?

Sometimes your word of the year might take more than a year to master and other times you just might surprise yourself! The truth is, you can identify and claim your word of the year at any time, and replace it as you have conquered it. Don’t get stuck on a calendar year. It’s the progress that counts!

Now tell me, do you have a word of the year? How did you choose it? Was it rather by accident or was it the result of patience and prayer? I’d love it if you would share! If you need more suggestions or help finding a word unique to yourself, I’m only an email away!

Until Next Time!


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