What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?

What are you going to do with your life?

Last week we talked about whether or not college was necessary for the job that you were interested in pursuing. This week, let’s brainstorm creative ways to determine what you might want to do with your life!

The destination – what you have been called to do – is far more important than speed. To borrow from some of my business training: it’s okay to grow slow. If you will intentionally seek God and do your best to determine what He has called you to do, then when the time is right, it will be evident. But you must be patient and diligent to keep praying, seeking opportunities, and knocking on doors.

I am constantly having to remind myself of these things as I work to grow my business and this blog! Sometimes in the quiet or trying moments, when sales are slow or complications come up, it can feel as if I’m not performing well at what I’ve been called to do. But I have to remind myself that those are just seasons, and there are seasons in all of life. In the middle of that season is when it counts most to keep giving your best and doing what you know to do! As I’ve said multiple times, all good things are worth waiting for and working towards!

Where to Begin

Let’s start at the beginning, by helping you determine what you want to do with your life. Or perhaps I should say, helping you determine what God would have you do with your life, because ultimately as His people, that should be our goal.

But first, let me just say, what you have to do right now – this might be your schooling, household chores, or even that job that isn’t your favorite – is just as important as any job or role that you will ever fill. Don’t get distracted dreaming about when you can finally have a real job and fail to give your best in the here and now. Every moment of your life is an important step in developing your character and work ethic. Be remarkable and give your best!

Finding a vocation or an interest to pursue for life can be complex. Rest assured, there is a special need for you in this world – a purpose you alone can fill. No one else has your personality or your perspective. God designed you as a one-of-a-kind and He has a specific purpose for you to fulfill!

A good place to begin brainstorming your life purpose might be to look around you at the here and now. Does your family have a business where you might learn a trade? What school subjects were your best? What are your parents preferences about what kind of jobs you might take? Do you enjoy interacting with people, love to cook, or prefer crunching numbers? Or all of the above?!

Knocking on Doors

Perhaps you are armed with a few ideas as to where you might begin now. Time to go out and start knocking on doors! I don’t mean this literally, although you might knock on some physical doors along the way. This more refers to boldly pursuing some of your ideas. Are you interested in helping your Aunt in her bakery? Well, ask! Perhaps your family company needs a secretary – apply for the job! You have a dream of a small business – confidently begin to work towards it! Or perhaps your Mr. Right has come along and a wedding and a family are in your near future! Never underestimate the importance of being a homemaker! It’s the most important and fulfilling calling of all!

Always remember, little by little progress adds up. It’s okay to grow slowly – but it’s not okay to be dormant and not pursue anything. Go big – in enthusiasm and optimism – or go home!

Along the way in business, as well as in life, you will hit some bumps in the road. These bumps might come in the form of not getting a job you’ve applied for, business overwhelm, or more questions than answers. Some moments in life can be a bit of a stumbling block. But I learned something very fast very fascinating about stumbling blocks recently. If we are able to keep our focus on God and remember that He works all things together for our good, then those stumbling blocks will not trip us up. Instead of stumbling over them we can use them as stepping-stones to rise to the occasion of what God has for us! Isn’t that an incredibly exciting way to view stumbling blocks?!

Stepping into Your Calling

Perhaps you’ve pursued the opportunities that you found available to you and now it’s time to focus your time and energy on the what you’ve narrowed it down to. What an exciting moment – to have a glimpse of the next step of the rest of your life! Yay!

Just remember, life is seasonal. Always remember Whom you serve and remain flexible for the things He has for you! Be willing to make any changes, large or small, that He lays on your heart. Never view these changes as a way that you have failed, but instead consider them an incredible opportunity to grow closer to Him!

I hope these thoughts and ideas have helped you fine-tune just what you should pursue in life! Remember to first and foremost seek God and His will. I’d love it if you’d share your story – what you do, how you chose this profession, etc. I always enjoy getting to know more about my readers!

If you have any questions or special requests for what topics to cover, I’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!


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