Establishing Habits that Work for You

Establishing Habits

Do you realize how effective well-established habits can be? Do you ever look at others and admire how they look, how they handle themselves or how much they can get done? I know I do. If you notice these things about others with any kind of consistency you can be sure it is due to their habits!

I’ve heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit and only one day to break it. And believe me, when I purposely began the habit of exercising in the mornings I was counting down the days until 21 had passed and I had a concrete habit.

After 21 days, guess what? Do you think that I was to the point that I automatically got up and exercised? Unfortunately, no. I was still in the process of training myself to be a cheery morning person. After 21 days had passed, I was still a work in progress. I still had to make the conscious decision to exercise and put the time and effort into it.

Exercising wasn’t the fastest habit I’ve developed, but it is one of my favorites! I feel much better when I exercise and thus as a result, I am happier and kinder to others! Was it easy for me to establish this habit? No, it took a lot of work, consistency and time. But on this side of it, I can certainly tell you it was worth it!

Work-Life Balance

Work/life balance is a popular topic, isn’t it? But instead of looking at the work-life balance as a conflicting of interests, what if we considered how to utilize the ‘best practices’ of both?!

I enjoy reading about efficient businesses and recently learned about systems. Systems are a series of rules by which you run your business. They dictate how you stock products, how you prep products for sale, how you interface with your customer, etc. It is suggested that you have systems exhaustively worked out for all aspects of your business. That way, when new employees comes along, they simply go through the system and, ideally, accomplish the desired outcome every time.

In my opinion, systems are simply habits. Habits that have been outlined, detailed, and itemized. Habits that are purposefully prepared to be accomplished well. They prepare you and others for success.

Do you see that? The primary function of a purposeful habit (or system), when carefully chosen, is to prepare you for success! So why don’t you let that work idea flow over into personal life? What habits or systems could you put into place that could promote your lifestyle and help you get closer to becoming the best person you can possibly be?!

5 Specific Areas that Need Habits

#1: Your Mornings

What do you do with your mornings? Do you have specific goals in mind to accomplish? Personally, I like to read my Bible and look over my planner to consider what specific things I hope to accomplish. After that, I exercise, fix my hair and put on makeup. Once I’ve finished with that and had breakfast, I’m on to work.

Now these habits, this routine, works well for me. I know by the time I have started work that I will have a good foundation for my day (reading my Bible), I’ll have a game plan of what I want to accomplish (referencing my planner), and I’ll feel prepared for whatever the day brings (in between exercising and fixing my hair/putting on makeup I just feel more put together and prepared for the day).

Just because these things work for me in my current role doesn’t mean they will work for you. But you must figure out what does! What’s important to you? What do you want to be sure to accomplish early in the day so that you don’t avoid it later? (that is why I exercise first thing – it’s important to me … and it would be all too easy for me to disregard it later in the day.)

#2: Your Behavior

How do you want to behave towards people? Are you naturally kind and outgoing or do you need to learn to not let your temper flare? We are all a work in progress, but setting positive, purposeful habits greatly helps us become what we want to be!

Honestly, I cringe to write this, but I used to have a lousy attitude – with a capital L! I did not like to be inconvenienced and boy did I let folks know! But one day I was brought to the realization of how terribly rude and selfish this attitude was. And little by little I began making progress on how I reacted. And now, I still struggle with being flexible, but I can honestly say that it is not out of an attitude of being inconvenienced, but rather a pause to figure how I can help another and cover the bases that I’ve already agreed to cover.

What about your behavior? Perhaps you struggle with being respectful or being honest, or even with claiming too much responsibility for things that do not involve you. Think about your behavior, identify ways to improve, and then make purposeful habits to help you get there!

#3: Your Health

As you must know, your health is vitally important. When you feel your best, you act like it – you work well and serve others kindly! Your health should really be a constant habit that you are always working to improve! From diet to exercise to a life-giving lifestyle, good habits are so important!

Just recently I was sick. It was an odd sickness – I was exhausted and food tasted awful. Normally a coffee-lover, coffee literally tasted like soap to me. It was terrible. Due to this, I barely ate anything. And since I wasn’t eating anything, I didn’t take my vitamins (no need to add insult to injury!). But as I recovered over the next few days I still didn’t feel like myself. I was discouraged and so tired. But after a few days of eating well and taking my vitamins, I felt great! I literally felt like a different person! It was amazing! Eating well, taking vitamins and exercising, in addition to making wise lifestyle choices, are fundamental to our health!

What are some habits that you need to create to improve your health? Perhaps healthy eating is hit-and-miss for you. I’ve got news for you: if it’s important enough, you will find a way. And let me tell you – it is so important!! So definitely consider you health and decide on some best practices for you!

#4: Your Goals

Goals, goals, goals. Whether you are a stay-at-home-mom, a high-school student, a busy working woman, or a high-level executive, you must set goals. Goals help you work toward your desired end result. Perhaps you don’t have or can’t think of any specific goals. Let me help you develop some!

Just recently I was listening to a business podcast. The topic, unsurprisingly, was effective goal setting. The woman was saying how she was often told by people that they didn’t have goals. This of course frustrated her since the purpose of her business is largely to help people meet their goals. Goals, she said, are easier to identify than you think. Think about them this way: perhaps you want to begin jogging and you have nothing specific in mind. Well, do you want to begin by jogging around your neighborhood or by running a marathon? (obviously, the optimal place to begin would probably be in your neighborhood – definitely aspire to run a marathon if that is what you are working towards. Baby steps will help you get there!) Perhaps you need to potty train your child – do you want to be able to consider them potty-trained within two years or perhaps as soon as say four months? (With potty-training, the sooner the better, right? Perhaps you need to move that four month marker to six as it gets closer – but I don’t think purposefully planning to take two years to potty train your child will lead to satisfaction in accomplishing your goal)

Of course these are only two examples and we all have unique opportunities and potential. Be sure to establish goals that make the most of who and where you are!

#5: Your Evenings

What habits have you set for your evenings? Self-care and preparation for the next day are two important things to consider. Good habits will help you take action whether or not you feel like it!

I once heard that when you don’t take your makeup off before you go to sleep, your face ages 14 days overnight! 14 days! That doesn’t even take into account the mess of makeup on your face in the morning or the dirty pillowcase you’ll wake up with. Making the simple habit of taking off your makeup before you go to bed will literally keep you younger longer!

What are some other evening routines that you can make into habits? The fascinating thing about habits, is that when you are faithful, they truly do become habits – no contemplating whether or not it’s worth doing it – you simply do it! And the beauty of it is that then it is done! And that is powerful!

Creating Your Habits

Now it’s your turn – determine a habit in each of these areas and write them down. Be consistent and faithful to purposefully establish these habits! You can even share them with me, if you like! I’d love to cheer you on!

Make yourself a reminder in your planner or on your phone about a month out to check back in on your list of habits and see how you are doing! Notice what you are achieving and what you are not. Is it still important to you? Is it something you need to make a renewed and larger effort to accomplish or is it something that you just need to let go of? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Until Next Time!


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