The Beauty of Flowers

The Beauty of Flowers

Aren’t flowers some of the most beautiful things?! They come in all styles, shapes, sizes and colors! I love enjoying a fresh bouquet or looking at a book or magazine describing and detailing their features!

I am not sure that I’ve always appreciated flowers as much as I do now. But one lovely day, I stopped and realized the beauty that I had overlooked! Flowers are a gift from God! They are colorful, cheery reminders of His love and design! They are as intricate as His plans and as simple as His solutions.

Do you have a favorite flower?! If you don’t, you really ought to learn more about them and decide on one (or several!)! I’m working on claiming my favorite – I currently have several!


Not too long ago, the hydrangeas were in full bloom and I decided they were my most favorite flower! They come in a delightful selection of colors, the blue being the most common around here.


They have full, lush foliage. I hope to get some to plant at my house someday!


Ooh, peonies are so beautiful! They strike me as perfectly feminine flowers – frilly, pink, delicate, intricate, and so beautiful! I don’t believe I’ve seen one in person since I was quite young, but I see them in photos and in books.


They come in a variety of styles and colors. I do believe they are some of my very favorite flowers!


Are camellias a type of japonica or is it the other way around?! I really don’t recall! Either way, they are essentially trees with flowers! How gorgeous is that?!


Guess what?! The house I’m considering buying has a Camellia! It is just lovely and so picturesque!


Red geraniums are the perfect front porch flower! Homey, inviting, lovely, and welcoming! If you have a front porch and don’t have red geraniums on it, then you should definitely get some! (Double geraniums are gorgeous too!)


They also have gorgeously lush foliage. Why would this matter, you might ask? Well, few things bloom all the time, so to have an attractive plant even without the blooms is certainly a bonus!


And of course there are roses! Beautiful, fragrant and forever classic! From full, luscious blooms to delicate fairy blossoms, long stem to wild, they come in an amazing variety!


Every yard needs several rose bushes! Yours and mine included!

Do you have favorite flowers? Be sure to find ways to enjoy the flowers that bring you joy! Perhaps you live in an apartment so you can’t plant flowers – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get fresh cuts! Allow yourself a little room in your budget for flowers! Believe me, it is worth it to add beauty and delight to your day!

Until Next Time!


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