Never Alone

Never Alone

“I just feel so alone in this,” I remember telling her. True, it was a low moment. It had been a long week and I was tired – and we all know that when you are tired things look far more bleak than they really are.

Doing Things Alone

You see, I’m part of a large family and sometimes trying new things and pursuing new opportunities by myself can be intimidating. I’m used to having lots of people around! Always someone else to do things with, to be a friend and encourager.

But growing my company has mainly been a personal project. And though there’s not a thing in the world wrong with that, working alone can become lonely. It just can. Especially when the work is piling up and you are feeling tired.

But that is quite often where encouragement jumps in! Just when you are feeling your lowest. And this was no exception!

I happened across a flier that had been included with a devotional journal I had received as a gift. The very beginning of the quote read, “God goes before you today and His presence is with you.His presence is with you. That simple line suddenly had a new meaning to it.

How embarrassing to catch myself in the midst of self-pity! There I was, working at things by myself, thinking how alone I was – but the truth of the matter is that God’s presence is with me! All the time. Everywhere. And to realize that has been such a phenomenal blessing to me!

God’s Presence is with You

Do you know why I’m sharing this? I think we all feel lonely at some point. We all have moments or days where we crave another’s company or friendship. And that’s okay to miss our friends or our family, but we must realize that God has uniquely designed each of our lives. He has specific purposes for each of us to pursue!

As long as we are pursuing His purpose for us, we have the delight of His constant presence! We have the closest, best, most faithful friend in all the world in Him!

I just want to be sure that you know that you are never alone. Mama’s who spend your days chasing littles, aspiring students that are anticipating graduation, single ladies who are waiting for Mr. Right, none of you are alone!

Pursue God’s plans and He will bless you with the joy of His presence! But you must claim and recognize that presence!

Even now with this fresh perspective, some days when I climb into the vehicle to run errands and take care of business, I can feel alone. Folks at the house have each other to keep themselves company but I’m alone. And then a still, small voice lovingly and gently reminds me that I’m never alone. And that promise is so precious!

How to Overcome Loneliness

Showing hospitality is an exceptional way to combat loneliness! And did you know, even if you don’t have a home of your own you can still practice hospitality? You do this by inviting people in. By sharing your attention, your care, and your interests. You show alert curiosity in their lives, in what they have to share with you, and you also share in return. Practicing hospitality is highly synergistic! Both parties will profit and be blessed!

And always remember God’s presence is with you when you pursue Him and His plans! You never, ever have to feel alone!

There are many ways to overcome feeling lonely and if you want to live a remarkable life, you must establish what works for you!

Until Next Time!


PS: I shared the full message from the flier in this post

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