Five Tips to Living an Adventurous Life

An Adventurous Life

How to live an adventurous Life

I love the idea of living an adventurous life! I live adventures regularly and look for them constantly! Why live a low-key, plain-jane life when you can infuse it with interest and excitement?!

Just the other day adventure found me. I booked a busier than usual day of work that included setting up at two events in two separate towns. When you throw in a fashion show at the second event, an adventure was practically guaranteed!

The first event went smoothly – once my sister and I found where it was located! You see we were new to setting up in the area, so thankfully left ourselves extra time to locate and get set up!

Now for some reason, the combination of my sister and myself setting up together always results in lots of laughter (as well as many loads to carry!)! Come the tenth load back and forth, we were getting a bit fatigued … and a bit funnier!

Adventure can be found in simply sharing laughter and light-hearted-ness with someone you care about!

The first event went quite well! We enjoyed meeting and interfacing with new people and telling them about our companies.

Come three o’clock it was time to pack up and head for coffee, oops, I mean our next event! We loaded up, said our goodbyes and set off (by way of frozen coffee at Chick-fil-A, of course!).

I found the second event of the evening to be even more of an adventure than the first. Plans got changed, a clothing rack got dumped, and there were a few potential bumps in the road. But when I see these things as adventures rather than sabotage to my plans, it helps me be far more flexible and calm!

Overall, we had a fabulous time at both events – seeing friends, meeting new customers, and enjoying the runway show!

Five Tips for Discovering an Adventurous Life

Let me tell you a secret about adventures – you don’t have to go anywhere or meet up with anyone to find adventure. Adventure can be found wherever you are – both in life and in location. You can find it in a quiet moment, reading a book. You can find it in a bike ride around your neighborhood. Perhaps it’s in just sitting and watching your littles play imaginatively with their toys. There is most certainly adventure in your life but it is up to you to find it!

Don’t worry, I’ll help you look for it! Here are some great tips that spring to mind when in search for an adventure!

  1. Determine what counts as an adventure to you – what resonates as an adventure to me won’t necessarily do so for you. But that doesn’t mean that adventures don’t surround you! Look around you – what do you enjoy doing immensely? What excites and energizes you? What do you dream of doing?
  2. Learn to create and delight in adventures – hopefully you have some ideas, or even a hint of an idea now! Let me tell you, adventures don’t have to be expensive or noisy. They can be found in the delight of a Sunday afternoon nap after a long week of work! The next step is to not just to go through the motions of doing these things, but to celebrate them for the adventures that they are!
  3. Don’t wait for adventures to come to you – create them! If you plan to wait for adventure to happen, you’ll most likely be waiting a while. But if you will get up each day with eager enthusiasm, adventure will most assuredly be just around the corner! Create and appreciate adventurous moments!
  4. Include others – I hope that like me, you are surrounded by people who care about you. Include them in your adventures! Perhaps the adventure is grocery shopping, shipping orders, or a day at the beach. Like I said before, adventure can be found in simply being with people you care about! But on the other hand, learn how to enjoy life on your own too. Enjoy who you are and delight in the life God has blessed you with!
  5. Lather, rinse, repeat. The secret to living an adventurous life is to keep your “joie de vivre”, your joy of living! True, there will always be bumps in the road, but learn to look for and appreciate the adventures that surround you on a daily basis!

Let the Adventures Begin

Now, I hope that you will greet today, tomorrow, and every day after that with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye! You have been blessed with a truly remarkable life! Live it well and delight in it!

Until Next Time!


PS. Be sure to leave me a comment below on the blog or send me an email at I look forward to hearing from you!

2 Replies to “Five Tips to Living an Adventurous Life”

  1. Hey Aunt Jess! Loved your post! And I had never thought of looking for an adventure in every day Life. Although I did look forward to projects so I guess that would be the same thing! Love you!😘😘😘

    1. Merry! Thank you so much! ♥ Yes, I would definitely agree – projects hold a lot of adventure!! I love you!! 😘

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