Modern Day Miracles

Modern day miracles are all around us. They are so fascinating to witness and see - the key to recognizing them is to look for them!

Do you believe in modern day miracles? Or do you consider them a thing of the past, of Biblical times, of long ago and far away?

I believe in them and I have witnessed a multitude of them in my lifetime. I have seen examples of them in my own life and in the lives of others. They are remarkable gifts from God. Evidences of His incredible power and mercy.

I love believing in them. I guess technically it comes down to believing in God’s ability to perform miracles. To take circumstances and give His people an edge or capability that they don’t have without Him. Without Him we are nothing, but with Him all things are possible. No limits and no exceptions!

My life in and of itself is a miracle. I am the youngest of eight and was an adorable, yet sick little baby. As I became a toddler, I wasn’t inclined to toddle. Doctors said I would never walk. But praise God, my parents and my siblings helped me exercise until my legs became strong enough to walk.

I still remember delightedly explaining to people that I could take 62 steps without falling down. Humorously, even now when I am tired I catch myself counting to myself as I take steps. Do you suppose it is my subconscious remembering back? I hadn’t thought about it until this very moment!

To me, learning to walk is a miracle. Some might argue that it is a very natural thing, nothing miraculous about it. But to me, the one who worked so long on it, who heard from others outside my family that I probably wouldn’t be able to learn how, it is.

Modern day miracles are all around us and we must look for them and appreciate them. Just recently, as I’ve already shared here, my sister and I bought a business. An incredible opportunity to be sure, but the more I learn about the different people involved with the building that we now use, the way the shop came about and the provision that was organized before we even came on the scene is just amazing. It’s truly miraculous!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9

Ask God to show you miracles. Ask Him to show up in astounding ways in your life. I believe He likes to amaze us and I believe He likes us to ask incredible things of Him! What is something that He might show you that you haven’t seen, heard, or even imagined?! An incredible thing to ponder! Ask Him!

Until Next Time!


PS. Perhaps, like me, you’ve asked Him this before and you have a story to relate – I’d love to hear it! I shared one of mine here:

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