Move Mountains

Faith can move mountains. Most of us have probably heard this phrase. Christ said it while encouraging His disciples to have a strong and sincere faith.

“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

Have you ever wondered if faith could really move mountains? I know I have. I remember sitting on my bed as a child, closing my eyes, bowing my head and praying really hard. “Please move a mountain,” I’d say. “The Bible says it’s possible, show me!” was my innocent request.

And nothing.

No rumble as a mountain was picked up from its resting place, no announcement that a mountain had been moved on my request. Nothing.

Faith can’t have any doubts, I learned as time went on. “Please move a mountain, Lord, I truly believe You can,” I’d pray.

Nothing. (that I was aware of anyway – perhaps mountains were busy moving on the other side of the world due to my prayers, but I doubt it)

It didn’t discourage or disappoint me, it just intrigued me. Why did Scripture reference mountain moving? It didn’t seem an altogether practical possibility. Incredible yes, but not practical.

Mountains and Molehills

Let’s fast forward a bit of time, several years. I may or may not have been accused of being dramatic. Oh, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, my sisters would say.

Again, the logical side of my brain would kick in subconsciously, “a mountain out of a molehill? That wouldn’t be practical at all! Besides what we’re talking about has nothing to do with mountains or molehills…

But as I grew up, little by little, I started to get glimpses of the deeper meanings. This phraseology always hit me literally, but when I stopped and thought about it, I began to get it.

Not making a mountain out of a molehill references not blowing things out of proportion. You may have a struggle, a dislike, or even a preference. It’s a molehill – something you can work within or around. No. Big. Deal.

But when you make a mountain out of it, you over agonize, talk about, think about, and worry about it. And then it does become a big deal. Crippling even.

But when you turn a mountain into a molehill, you practice faith. Faith that God’s got this. That He has you right where He needs you and that His perfect plan never fails. This doesn’t let you off the hook, by any means – you still have to show up, be your best and strengthen your faith.

Faith vs Fear

Did you know that fear is the opposite of faith? You can’t be afraid and have faith at the same time. Think about that for a moment. Fears can – and should – be replaced with faith.

Do you have fears about being able to pay your bills? God always provides. Trust that He will show up and provide the work you need in order to pay them.

Do you fear getting sick? Have faith knowing that God has equipped you with the resources you need to take good care of your body.

Afraid you’ll always be alone? Where there is God, there is no room for loneliness. Seek Him, get to know Him, and you’ll have a friend for life.

In all things, choose faith.

Move Mountains

So when it comes down to it, those prayers I prayed so long ago are being answered. Not in the literal “Mt Rushmore has moved” way that I may have originally prayed about, but in a much deeper, more meaningful way.

My life, just like yours, has had its share of struggles. I didn’t walk until I was six, I had spinal surgery at seventeen, etc. We all have our own mountains and I believe that with faith and earnest prayer, we can see those mountains moved.

I encourage you today, every day even, take stock of your life. Your thoughts, your attitudes, and those with whom you surround yourself. Are you equipping yourself to be average or are you equipping yourself to be a mountain mover?

I know which I want to be! What about you?

Until Next Time!


PS. Surrendering our fears and pressing forward in faith is a constant exercise. I share more about it here:

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