Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Recently I was asked what the books I wrote were about. Somehow this and similar questions kept catching me off guard each time I was asked.

You see The American Lady started off as just a blog. Thoughts, ideas, and inspiration shared at random. I knew the goal was to encourage ladies to be remarkable. To step more fully into whom God has created them to be. But as to the books that have come about as a result of this blog, I’m afraid I hadn’t given them a lot of tactical thought.

But as more and more questions of some sort or another have been asked, I began to realize the obvious – that I need to own them, to gracefully be able to explain and discuss the books when asked.

This is so important in business. If you can’t talk about your product or service confidently, you can hardly expect another to want to learn more about it. So in much the same way, I had to discard any self consciousness about them and really pinpoint what my goal with them is.

To Bring Hope

Appropriately – and I might even say ironically! – enough, I realized that my goal for this blog and the books derived from this blog is to bring hope to others. I want to help all of us to remember to live expectantly and energetically. To pursue possibilities, not be held back by fears.

I can’t help but think of the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, a line reads. And that’s what I want to fill you with – what I want to be filled with – bright hope for tomorrow!

But how do we claim and live in this bright hope? By seeking God and giving Him our very best. The Scriptures say that if we will search for Him, we will find Him and in His presence we will find peace, comfort, and security.

Through Him we can do all things. He is the strength in our weakness, the courage in our fear, the way-maker through our road blocks. Bright hope for tomorrow isn’t something magical that some people have and others don’t. But rather something we can claim and step into.

As you go about your day, pay attention to your thoughts and make sure they are speaking life and hope. God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but rather power, love, and self-discipline. May we all step into this and become more fully whom He has created us to be!

Until Next Time!


PS. Don’t stop with claiming bright hope for yourself – share it with others! Speak blessing and encouraging words to those around you. You never know how your words may bless another!

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