Fearing Failure

Fearing failure is a common struggle. One we have all worked through or are currently working through. But what if I told you failure wasn’t worth fearing? Would that startle you? Give you a new found hope?

This thought occurred to me the other day. It was early and I was on my way to the coffee pot. A wonderful voice popped in my head, something along the lines of, I really don’t fear failing and the shop closing.

You see several shops near mine are closing or moving. Several customers – mostly those from out of town – comment on how many shops are closed. I’ve even had one man comfort me not to worry when it happens to our shop.

Now I’m sure he was trying to be kind and encouraging in his own way – at least that’s how I am going to take it – bless his heart! But it occurred to me on the way to the coffee pot the other morning that the shop closing wasn’t really on my list of fears and concerns.

Now I certainly don’t want to seem pompous, but I do believe that God has my sister and I here for a purpose and if we will just be faithful and serve others well, He will bless us and direct us. The time may come to close and do something else, but for now this is where He has us!

It got me to thinking a bit more about fears. Some fears can be very real and others are simply in our heads. I never had too many fears until a while back when I was in a serious car wreck. After that, fears just preyed upon me. I know God is bigger than anything, but I also found combating fears to be exhausting and disheartening.

As time has passed since then I am so grateful to say again that I have very few fears. In fact as I really give it thought, one of my greatest fears is mediocrity. And I can’t say it is really a fear as we might think of fears, but it is a concern that I do my best to distance myself from.

I’m not afraid of not making it in business, but I am afraid of just making it. Doing the bare minimum and not tapping into the abundance and remarkable aspects that God so generously provides! I don’t want to be average – I want to reflect God in remarkable ways! Those who do the average, everyday things aren’t the ones that catch people’s attention.

And when I say catch people’s attention, I don’t mean in a self-seeking way but rather to draw attention to what God can do in our lives! I want to make an incredible impact for God! When people order from us, shop with us, or even just visit us, I want them to notice a difference. The difference that only God can make.

And this isn’t limited just to owning and running a business. You can apply this to wherever you work, your studies, your everyday interactions. Don’t settle for mediocrity, but pursue excellence!

There is a saying that goes, Perfection isn’t attainable, but if we will pursue perfection we will attain excellence. Isn’t that inspiring?

So instead of pursuing the status quo or mediocrity or whatever the world accepts as average and good enough, pursue excellence. Give God your best.

I love how the Bible speaks to this – it seems to say, What virtue is it to you when you only serve well those who can repay you. But rather, give your best in all circumstances.

“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.” -Luke 6:31-34

To me, failure can be defined as giving up. That’s all it is. Lacking creativity, enthusiasm, drive, determination, etc to keep going and trying new things. As long as you will pursue what God has directed you towards and keep Him first and foremost, you will never fail. He has a limitless supply of all these things and much more, you simply have to ask and then follow His lead.

As we go about our day, let us not get caught up and worried fearing failure. Let us instead pursue excellence, giving God and others our best.

Until Next Time!


PS. Fears can be very present and difficult to overcome, but rest assured knowing that God is bigger and stronger than any fear. As we surrender our fears to Him, He will fill us with faith – and I write more about that here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2017/09/27/surrendering-our-fears/

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