Learn Something New

Learn Something New

“I’m wanting to learn something new, so I’m learning how to cook more in the kitchen,” my friend mentioned to me as we were chatting one evening.

“What is something new that you are learning?” she asked, catching me completely off guard.

“Between work and such, I’m not really pursuing anything personally,” I confessed. The simplicity of my words sank in as I said them. Not very inspiring. It would seem that I had let myself get too busy with work and had forgotten to learn and grow around it.

Interesting how we have to have a-ha moments like that to get us out of a rut, isn’t it?

Discovering an Interest

My friend’s question set me to thinking about what I wanted to learn. What a good friend she is to push me to grow! As I considered different options, I decided I would go through my list of “some day” projects and pick one. Maybe I wouldn’t have a lot of time to give it, but it would be fun to plan it and work on it along and along.

This led me to researching how to make a braided rug. I’ve gone through several tutorials, watched how-to videos and gathered materials for the project. Interestingly, I haven’t found a very complete how to, so I am making it up a bit as I go along. I plan to share that adventure once I finish it! It might just inspire you to make your own braided rug!

Pursuing Skills

Another item that I would like to do in the near future is pick a song and learn to play it well on the piano. Piano playing takes a lot of practice and time, and I played a lot in school, but I’d love to brush up on my skills and learn a piece. There’s just something about being able to play a piece – even if it is just a snippet!

There are many other skills that I want to pursue as I go along. Life is far too interesting to let it slip by unappreciated!

What are some areas you might enjoy pursuing? Don’t let the excuse of no time hold you back. Think about it in the back of your mind and pick a project or skill that you would like to learn more about. Pray about it! Ask God what He would have you do and pursue. Life can be quite an adventure, but only if we will make the most of it!

I hope this inspires you to live life more fully and enjoy where you are! What are some areas you will be pursuing? I’d love it if you would share with us below!

Until Next Time!


PS. Learning something new can be as simple as learning to cook your favorite meal! Step out of your comfort zone a little and try “that thing” you’ve been thinking about! And remember to have fun!

Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/02/14/intentional-vs-reactive/

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