Learn Something New

Learn Something New

“I’m wanting to learn something new, so I’m learning how to cook more in the kitchen,” my friend mentioned to me as we were chatting one evening. “What is something new that you are learning?” she asked, catching me completely off guard. “Between work and such, I’m not really pursuing anything personally,” I confessed. The […]

Always Keep Learning

Always keep learning - I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge.

Always keep learning – that is an excellent life goal. I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would forget to learn new things. They would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge. I decided early on that I would […]

Learning from Others

Learning from others is highly recommended - and it just shows good sense. We can watch another's actions and witness the consequences. Weighing these two things can teach us so much.

It is fascinating to me that we can look at those around us and learn a myriad of things. We can discover new ideas, determine attitudes that we admire and witness reactions that we want to avoid. Learning from others is an essential tool that we must learn to use if we want to go […]

Don’t Over Think It

Don't Over Think It

When I was growing up, we never watched television. Not live, happening now, television. Yes, we watched movies, even new releases, but not TV. This startled and surprised almost everyone who found out. “You don’t watch TV?” You would’ve thought we had said that we had learned to live without oxygen!  I definitely enjoyed watching […]

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself It is essential that we always keep learning and improving ourselves, but does it ever strike you that there is still so much to learn about in the world? Sometimes I can be a bit intimidated by it. But honestly, it should excite us! There is so […]