Always Keep Learning

Always keep learning - I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge.

Always keep learning – that is an excellent life goal. I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would forget to learn new things. They would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge.

I decided early on that I would put forth a real effort to keep learning, to keep discovering and to keep growing. The world is an enormously fascinating place and there really is no limit on what you can learn!

Following high school I went into web design. I had dabbled with it a bit while in high school, but once I graduated I learned actual programming languages. It certainly wasn’t easy, but once I got it, I got it!

It is important to realize that learning new things isn’t necessarily easy. But not to worry, it isn’t the most difficult thing in the world either. I once saw a really fascinating graph regarding this. The graph shows a flat line just above zero. This line represents average people. Drifters. Those who are comfortable and don’t feel any need to push themselves.

The graph also showed another line. It started at the same level as the average person, dipped a bit lower for a time, and then skyrocketed. This line represented the movers and shakers. The people who pushed themselves, learned new things, and grew because of it.

I found this graph exciting. Especially since I can identify with it! Often when learning something new I start off enthusiastically and expectantly! As I go along, the going gets more difficult. The pieces don’t quite seem to fit and I feel low. That must be what they call the learning curve. But if I stick with it, if I keep working and learning, one day things just click. It is spectacular!! There is definitely more to learn and it is not all sunshine and roses, but I get the basics. I get the foundation. I believe this is where things skyrocket!

Let me encourage you, wherever you are. Whether you are in the beginning stages of learning, struggling to get the basics, or on your way up – stick with it! Believe me, it is so worth it! And always remember, all good things are worth the work!

Keep learning, my friend! Once you conquer one task or project or challenge, pursue another. Definitely take time to rest, but get back up and keep going, keep learning, and keep growing!

What are you currently working on? I would love it if you would share below!

Until Next Time!


PS. In my opinion, to always keep learning requires a certain enthusiasm and interest in life. I share a real life example of this here: Enjoy!

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