Fifty-One Years and Counting

Fifty-one years is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday ...

Fifty-one years, that is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday, fifty-one years is just past a major milestone, fifty – again, a long time. But today we are talking about a marriage – my parents. Consider that for just […]

Always Keep Learning

Always keep learning - I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge.

Always keep learning – that is an excellent life goal. I remember when I was younger hearing how some people when they were done with their school studies would forget to learn new things. They would assume their education was complete and never grow or expand their knowledge. I decided early on that I would […]

Why Are You Going to College?

Why Are You Going to College?

Once you graduate, you are headed to college, right? Seems like most people take it for granted. Sure it can be expensive, but you can always apply for scholarships. And what about needing a vehicle to get around between campus, the grocery store, and home? Where will this money come from? Parents, perhaps? Or loans? […]

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself

How to Always Keep Learning and Improving Yourself It is essential that we always keep learning and improving ourselves, but does it ever strike you that there is still so much to learn about in the world? Sometimes I can be a bit intimidated by it. But honestly, it should excite us! There is so […]