Don’t Over Think It

Don't Over Think It

When I was growing up, we never watched television. Not live, happening now, television. Yes, we watched movies, even new releases, but not TV.

This startled and surprised almost everyone who found out. “You don’t watch TV?” You would’ve thought we had said that we had learned to live without oxygen! 

I definitely enjoyed watching movies and I never missed the fact that we didn’t watch TV. With the advances in technology, TV has become increasingly available without the use of a satellite and service agreement. We have enjoyed watching DVD releases of old classics such as Adam 12, Maverick, and That Girl, as well as new releases such as Poirot and Nero Wolfe.

Recently, we stumbled over another TV mystery series and began watching it. Though not the deepest of storylines, one of the lines in the show really caught my attention. And I have found myself using it as a reminder for myself and others.

“Don’t over think it.”

It doesn’t matter what your “it” is, don’t over think it.

Someone might have cut you off in traffic – you might think that they did it to be rude, or because they don’t like you, or maybe because they think they are more important than you, or perhaps it was even because they think their vehicle is better than yours…! Don’t over think! Odds are pretty good that it was a complete accident and they just didn’t see you! Rejoice that there wasn’t an accident and move on.

Keep this in mind especially when it comes to family and close friends! Sometimes those closest to us can be the ones that cause us to ruminate over what is said and indicated the most. Do yourself and others a favor – Don’t over think it!

Choose How You Respond

I really think women are more sensitive to this than men. And that makes sense – women are supposed to be more sensitive than men! But let’s be careful to use this sensitivity to our advantage and to be a blessing to others, not to be easily hurt and offended.

The truth of the matter is, some people will be rude with the intention of hurting us, but those instances are typically few and far between! So when someone comes across as potentially rude, hurtful, or unthoughtful, Don’t Over Think It! Assume the best, wish them well, and move on! Sometimes we are the ones that might inadvertently cause offense and we would want others to offer us this same courtesy!

Instead of reacting to a person who lacks wording or finesse, respond in love. Love keeps no record of wrong – love doesn’t over think potentially hurtful things!

Though it is getting much easier, this is something that I still have to work on. Training yourself, choosing to assume the best, doesn’t happen over night. But every time you do respond well, rejoice! Every excellent response makes the next response that much easier and more natural! Yes, we will still have struggles, but we will get back on our feet faster again!

Don’t fret when you fail, rather rejoice that you are able to see how you can do better … and then do better! Don’t over think your failures.

Anything to Add?

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

If you are determined to over think something, let me challenge you to try to over think God’s love for you. His care, provision, help, protection, mercy, grace, etc! It is impossible to over think that! But go ahead and try!

What have you learned from television? It never fails to surprise me when I come across a line in television or movies that is such a good reminder for everyday life! Do you have any lines you want to share? I’d love to hear them! Sometimes the simplest things help us remember important lessons!

Until Next Time!


PS. One of my favorite movies is Facing the Giants! It is full of excellent reminders of giving your best, loving others and serving God well. Read my review of it here.

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