A Change of Heart

A Change of Heart

Have you ever had a change of heart about something? Although it has probably happened more times than I could say, I have known myself to have a complete change of opinion in some situations. It is rather curious, really, but also fascinating to find myself doing a complete 180.

Now that I’ve recognized the power of a change of heart, I ask God to help me in situations. To change my heart how He sees fit. He knows His plans for me so much better than I do and this request brings another dimension of trusting Him more fully.


I think of presuppositions as something that you just know you know. Not that you necessarily recall learning about it, but rather something that you picked up along the way, almost subconsciously.

These random ideas can be deep or shallow, highly important or completely petty. They are just there. But what if you were to dig in a little deeper and question them? What if this helped solidify some and remove others?

I love to take these thoughts to God in prayer. Ask Him what He thinks of them, ask Him to lead me to learn their truth or to disregard them. I love looking into the mysteries of everyday life and finding God and His ways within.

There are so many things that I just take for granted, that I haven’t thought to question or verify. Not that one has to spend their time questioning everything, but rather be sure you know your truth! Don’t be limited by limits that aren’t really there.

For the longest time, I thought I couldn’t swing a job because I didn’t see how I could make enough to pay for gas. I had started my own business and to say it was slow would be an understatement. But as I began to further delve into what was holding me back I found that I was my largest holdup! With this change of perspective, this change of heart, my business has taken off! Not that I am rolling in it or that things don’t get tight, but rather that I’m not held back quite like I was before! I know that the sky is the limit and that I just have to be faithful in the little things!


Sometimes a change of heart will catch one by surprise.

I can have thoughts or ideas about things and they are simply that, my own thoughts or ideas. But then other times I declare God gives me a glimpse of His plans for me and they can surprise me like nothing else! I’m embarrassed to say that I catch myself fighting it!

Umm, I don’t really think so” I’ll catch myself thinking, “yeah, I’m pretty sure not.” Denying, not believing, even fighting it. But it is in these moments that I’ve come to believe that God really does have a sense of humor. “Why do you fight it so hard?” He seems to ask. And slowly but surely I’m learning to let it go, stop fighting, and submit to His plans. At least this is what I’m working on! Submitting and having a soft heart for what He has for me.

On top of that I ask Him to lead me, to incline my heart towards what He has for me, and to help me surrender my plans and dreams to Him! His ways are so much higher than my ways! My dreams are only as wonderful as I can imagine but He can make things happen that are beyond my highest expectations!

Lean In

How much more peace and security would we experience if we leaned in and kept God front and center of our lives? Able to wait patiently for His perfect timing, knowing He has all things well in hand. He is the ultimate leader, and a wise woman doesn’t rush in front of her leader!

I love to pray about what God puts on my heart, ask for His will to be done, and also add that if this isn’t what He has for me to please change my heart. This is such a precious thing to me, being able to make this request, because my ultimate goal is truly to give Him my best with a sincere heart!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/01/24/fighting-everyday-battles/

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