You Can Do It!

You can do it! – coffee” is a cute little sign I have hanging in my room. I mostly just bought it as a joke a few years back, but now that my sister and I have a coffee shop it seems all the more appropriate!

Obviously coffee isn’t my reason for doing things, but it is a luxury I enjoy. And now that we are learning all sorts of fancy coffee drinks, it is getting even more luxurious!

But let’s go back to the message, you can do it! It reminds me of Henry Ford when he said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” This is so true!

You Can Do It

Here is a revolutionary idea – what if you set your mind on success? Pray about your plans, your hopes and dreams, ask God to guide you and then go for it! You can do amazing and incredible things, you just need to follow God’s lead and set your mind on it!

Too often I hear indecisiveness from others – ooh, I don’t know, I guess we’ll see… And quite honestly, I myself struggle with this so I am preaching to myself too! We need to be more confident in what God calls us to do! Not because we have all the answers, but because we have God and His way of orchestrating things is incredible! We can have absolute faith in His capability to accomplish what He wants!

Developing a close relationship with God is fundamental in life. If you don’t know Him well how can you follow His lead? That is why we have His Word – read it! It has been said, if you had a resource that contained all the answers to life’s questions would you use it? That is what the Bible is! But you must not only read it, you must seek to understand it. You can read your whole life, over and over, and never quit discovering mysteries and wonders from it! It is the ultimate book and guide!

Use Your Resources

You have strengths and areas where you shine. Now isn’t the time to be overly humble. Consider in what areas God has given you capabilities. This isn’t about you or your pride, this is about using the resources God has given you well!

One of the areas I am strong is numbers, my sister on the other hand is great with the mechanics of things. Does that mean we never make errors in these areas? Of course not – I can mess up numbers as well as the next person! But when we step into our roles and use our strengths we can go a lot further!

Too many times I hear people put themselves down so as not to seem proud. I get what they’re doing and I am not suggesting that you think too highly of yourself. What I would encourage is to take yourself out of the equation and consider what strengths God has blessed you with. I say it often, but this isn’t about you – neither your pride or your humility – this is about using the resources God has blessed you with for His glory!

Think about it – Esther used her resources, didn’t she? She could have said, no, it would make me appear too proud to go before the King, I’ll just humbly wait until I’m called.

What about Mary, Jesus’ mother?! She was chosen to give birth to Christ – I would have said the ultimate honor! What would someone these days say, no, I can’t do that, I’m not good enough.

I truly believe it’s not about you or me or how good or humble we are, but rather about who God is in our lives. He gives us strengths and capabilities and it is our duty to step up and do our best to hit them out of the park!

Not Because It Is Easy

And it is not because it is easy, y’all. Honestly and truly, remarkable and incredible things rarely are! But the result is beyond our imagination, it is so much more than if we had “played it safe” and kept things low-key.

Did you know that you can’t out-give God? So when you step up and give your all, it will come back to you?! Obviously that shouldn’t be why we do it, but it is fascinating to me how that works! Because of this, it is always “worth it” to give your all and be your best! Always for God’s glory – but then just wait and see what incredible things come from it!

May this encourage you and fuel your fire for what’s ahead! God bless you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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