How To Grow Right Where You Are

How to Grow Right Where You Are

Do you ever wonder how to grow right where you are?

I hesitate to use the word “stuck”, but sometimes I can feel, well, in furlough. (furlough in this case meaning at a pause in the middle of thingsalso, stuck)

We all know the import of blooming where you are planted, but how do you press on past that? How do you grow right where you are?

Prayer and Wise Guidance

Prayer – it’s always going to be my first suggestion. It can feel like you’re not taking action, and yet it is the best reaction you can ever have. God loves it when we seek Him! And He has an incredible way of allowing things to “pop” into our mind or have opportunities “randomly” come our way!

I can assure you, nothing is random and inspired ideas are directly from God.

Another resource you have to grow right where you are is to ask those you respect for wise guidance. Obviously, you need to be selective whose advice you ask. Look at how the person lives and acts. Are they representing God well? If the answer is yes, then share your thoughts with them and listen to what they have to say. They won’t necessarily have direct answers for you, but their thoughts may just inspire you!

Then take what you’ve heard and learned and pray about it. And as you go about your day, let your subconscious work on it. God is amazing about revealing the next step to us as we need it!

Friends and Crowds

You probably know this, but you have to choose your friends and the crowds you spend time with wisely. You become like those you hang out with, which is why Scripture says, “bad company corrupts good morals.” Those aren’t just words, they are literal.

If you spend time with complainers, you will pick up their complaints. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with hard workers, they will inspire you to work harder.

It was interesting, recently I went to a business meeting in town. I didn’t know much about the group so the best way to learn seemed to be to join them and see what I might find out. Though I could only stay for a short time, something struck me about the people there. They were clean cut and tidy people, this seemingly simple detail really hit me. They represented themselves, their business, and the group well.

My point being, make sure your friends and crowd align well with what you represent. You never know when you’re making an impression on another and you want to be sure you are representing God to the best of your ability!

Give Your Very Best

Whether your job is the pits or a dream, be sure you give your very best. Though that is a tall order and you might be wondering if it really matters all the time, let me assure you that it does.

God is not a God of convenience. We shouldn’t only serve Him well when the fancy strikes us, but rather all the time in all things. Scripture is full of reminders of how important this is to God – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” Indeed, Christ Himself was perfect and we are to be as Christ-like as we can be.

So no matter if you clean bathrooms, wait tables, or sell real estate, do it to the best of your ability and unto the Lord!

Exciting Things Ahead

When you lean in and really figure out how to grow right where you are, exciting things will begin to happen. Perhaps you’ll make new friends, learn new dimensions of your work, or begin to see a glimpse of what’s ahead. One result you’ll certainly have is that you will develop a genuine fulfillment in your work – and that in itself is priceless!

The truth of the matter is that when you seek God, when you ask Him how you can serve Him better where you are, He will answer you. Pay attention and listen for Him. He might reveal His answer through inspiration or an idea, through opportunities, or through something incredibly obvious. Though we can’t be sure of how He will lead, we can be certain that He does and He will if we will seek Him and draw close to Him!

So get excited – incredible, God-ordained things are coming your way! Learn to grow right where you are by seeking God and wise guidance, being selective with who you spend your time, and always giving your best! And then watch and see what the Lord will do!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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