Making A List

Making a List

Did you know, making a list helps you accomplish so much more during the day. This is such a good thing to remember, especially when things are busy!

Do yourself a favor and keep a paper and pen on hand. True, your list could be made on your phone, but there’s just something wholesome and attractive about a pen and paper.

What Goes On Your List

It is said that busy people get more done. Whenever I get busy and have tons to do I remind myself of this. I find that lists are almost like magic. Write it down and somehow you will find yourself with opportunity to accomplish things!

Without a list, when you hit a lull in the day, you’ll spin your wheels and waste precious minutes. But with a list, you can read down it and choose a task to accomplish.

What things should land on your list? Things that are on your mind. Declutter your mind by writing down thoughts and ideas. Maybe you’ll find they don’t all need to be done – that’s fine, cross those off. But get them out of your mind and onto paper!

Making a list can be rather therapeutic! Taking advantage of this simple idea will give you a new peace and handle on life!

When You Can’t Get To Your List

Let’s be real, life happens and things can be crazy. Despite our best efforts lists can grow and grow and it feels like we’ll never be able to cross any tasks off. Don’t lose hope and be sure to give yourself grace. There will always be seasons in life and it is important to learn to handle them as gracefully as possible.

Keep on adding to your list, simplify it as you are able, and press on. Don’t stress over it but focus on doing what’s in front of you remarkably well. Things will shift as they always do and you’ll get back to your list. Not to worry, it will wait for you.

God has an amazing way of organizing life if we will just rest in Him. Seek peace and pursue it – that verse has been on my heart lately and I can’t emphasize it enough. Don’t kick against things that aren’t working out, don’t try to force things that aren’t meant to be, but at the same time, don’t give up on life.

Seek God and do your best where He has you. Seasons come and seasons go and God uses them to get you where He needs you. It’s not about your comfort but rather accomplishing His plans.

Do You Really Need A List?

Some people can’t stand a list – and I confess that was me for awhile. But the truth is, I think a list gives me a plan of attack, it helps me spend my time wisely, and it helps me remember thing I want to accomplish!

In the back of your mind you might have an “if only” list. If only you could do this, if only you could try that. Put it on paper! Lists don’t have to be job lists exclusively. They can be inspirational or lists of dreams! I rather think of lists as a form of goals. Somehow writing them down helps me inch my way towards accomplishing them!

If you recoil at the thought of making a list because you don’t want to be that disciplined, reconsider your motivation. It is a good thing to have self discipline, it is good to practice doing difficult things. It makes us stronger and prepares us for what is ahead so that we might handle it better. This life isn’t about our comfort, but rather leaning in, stepping up, and following God’s lead!

I can’t help but think lists can be used to help us accomplish more of our God-given tasks. And with that perspective, don’t you want to accomplish all you possibly can for Him?

Until Next Time!


PS. A New Year means another fresh start! What are your goals?

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